Hi Hunterman,

IMHO, on the contrary Photoreading in general, and Photofocus in particular will actually strengthen and improve your eyesight. Now, to be honest, I can 't point you to any scientific study to substantiate my claim. Maybe, Alex will be more helpful here, so lets wait for his response.

However, the logic behind my above statement is that during Photofocus you are using peripheral vision, which gives exercise to those retina cells which are at the edges and are generally not used much, thereby strengthening them further. In addition, there are two types of receptor cells, rod cells and cone cells; rod cells are unable to distinguish color and are predominant at the periphery, while cone cells are concentrated mostly in the center of the retina. So with Photofocus you are also using and thereby strengthening your rod cells. Further, you know we are always concentrating on things that are in close focus - computer monitor, book, food, etc. Try going to some mountains or any natural scenic surroundings and focus your eyes on an object as far as you can see. You will immediately find your eyes relaxing and welcoming this break.

As far as your experience is concerned, can you please explain in little more detail as to what exactly is your concern. I am not able to undersand were you not able to relocate the words as mentioned by Paul on the tape. I mean you tried recalling the location of a word and you were not able to correctly identify the location. Or even after you have completed the Photoreading and then opened the dictionary, the text was still blurred. I may be able to help you out if you specify in a little more detail, what exactly was your experience.

I hope I have been of some help to you.

God bless you.

Kind regards