Hi & welcome!

Do not try to learn photoreading on school materials.

Learn photoreading on a book about a hobby or self-help book something that has absolutely nothing to do with school.

Master photoreading first on something else that has nothing to do with school.

When you know you have mastered photoreading and you are absolutely certain you have mastered it then, only then use photoreading on school materials but first learn photoreading on non-school materials master photoreading on non-school materials first.

You mentioned practicing photoreading i say do not practice just do it.

The techniques are not hard they are simple.

There are 3 things i would say are very important while learning photoreading.

1. Relax.

2. Be open. Do not overanalyze everything and have to have proof of everything. Maintain a i will wait and see what happens attitude.

3. Be curious.
