Hi Helen

Do you listen to side A or B of Get around to it?

I have never really had the need to listen to side B as I have found that by just listening to side A it allows me to acomplish the kind of thing that you are talking about. The reason why I like side A so much is because I dont have to have a particular goal in mind as it doesnt ask you to recite one at the beginning of the session. I have found that by just listening to it in a general way seems to result in me doing more in general without putting things off as much. As suggested by beachwalker I also visualise from time to time my positive outcomes, so maybe this helps also.

Another session that I find good for all round motivation or a specific goal is Peak Performance. Again side A just works for me without needing to listen to the 2nd side. When I do use specific goals, I think this also has a positive knock-on effect for any other goals that I may have also. Peak Performance is good for general motivation.

Maybe you could start small as suggested in the earlier reply. Before or during listening to a paraliminal perhaps just visualise together a few of the outomes and things that you want to acomplish in the day in a positive way and then see how you go. The next day you could move onto another small selection of goals you want to acomplish and so on and so forth.

Or..Perhaps listening to Get around to it - A without a goal, and also using Peak Performance with a goal, be it specific or a series of goals combined into a generalised goal ie. 'I always work efficiently and to my best on ...........project' could work for you? I hope so anyway

Pls let us know how you get on : )
