As another "just" user (Ithus far, I have received nothing from Learning Strategies other than great products, great support and this wonderful forum as a further support and an exhange of ideas), let me first welcome you to a community of learners and other people achieving success through these great tools.

Second, based on my few years of using Paraliminals, I would say that the way you are doing is not the best. I use Chunyi Lin's (creator of Spring Forest Qigong) scale of "good, better, best" here: it might be good (only time and results would tell this for sure), and maybe even better than not doing it at all or some other worse way of doing it (e.g. listening to only part of one and hten shutting it off). But certainly not the best.

I also have an iPod. And I too sometimes fall asleep during a Paraliminal. So what I do is use the sleep timer (inside the "clock" part of the menu) to automatically shut off after 30 minutes. This can also be used for sleep learning where you do in fact, choose to play the so-called "sleep learning track" (usually track 3 and if there is a part B, track 7) on repeat. I do not like to have it on all night, so I choose a time, say 90 minutes or 2 hours and even if I don't wake up at some point (I usually do within an hour or less) to then turn it off (as per instructions. It says something like, "that's a sign that you learned what you needed" or something like that), it will go off by itself rather than disturb my sleep all night long and/or run down the battery more than necessary.

You can set the iPod to only play one album or track and that too can help. But certainly using the sleep timer will help a lot so that you don't play the entire library of Paraliminals.

As far as falling asleep when listening in the afternoon or whenever, I don't think that is such a big problem as some of the learning happens on a "other-than-conscious" level. What happens for me quite often (though not always) is I fall asleep ONLY for the Paraliminal track (track 3 and/or 7) and wake up just as either it is ending or the last track (the "come back to full attention" track) is either beginning or ending. I take this as a very good sign. I also read this in another recent thread on this same subject visa vis falling asleep during Paraliminals (and it might have been coach Alex who wrote it): sometimes the conscious mind has a lot of resistance. So it actually NEEDS to shut down for a bit while the learning happens on the "other-than-consciou" level. I have found this to be consistant with my practice. I.e. I might fall asleep for the first few times, but at some point, i get a break-through, both in my goals and my learning, where I stay awake during the entire session.

Again, though, I would set the iPod to "sleep timer" so that it shuts down before anything else plays (or create a playlist with a particular Paraliminal followed by a "wake up" track of a song or piece of music you like. Or some lecture or audiobook you want to learn/listen to.

As far as the order: I think the best way to use any Paraliminal or more than one in combination is to a) listen to one at a time with at least a 20 minute break before listening to another one, b) choose a Paraliminal for a specific purpose. E.g. if you need an energy boost, or a little rest during the day, ONLY use the 10 MINUTE SUPERCHARGER (set your sleep timer for 15 minutes, which I think is the minimum time you can set it for). Or you need help with self-esteem, ONLY listen to the SELF-ESTEEM SUPERCHARGER (set the sleep timer to 30 minutes--I don't think there is a 20 minute setting). Then take at least a 20 minute break. And then ask yourself what is the specific purpose you want to work on that self-esteem for. For example, maybe you have to do a presentation or function well at a meeting. You then might listen to TALKING TO WIN as a second session later in the day, as a sleep learning during the night, or when you wake up the next morning.

BTW, that is another way you could try and see if you can stay awake: try and listen RIGHT after you wake up in the morning, after a good night of sleep or a nap. Even after a Paraliminal nap. Just check the clock, see how long ago the Paraliminal ended, make sure that you have a 20 minute margin between it and the next one and then listen to another one (or the same one, if you prefer). See what happens.

It is also good to say and/or write affirmations before and after listening. Say or write something along the lines of "I am getting everything I need and want from this listening session" or something specific like "I experience myself being at my ideal weight" ,
"I feel full of self-confidence and strong self motivation", "I am an effective and powerful speaker", "There is so much abundance coming my way and that I have right now". Or whatever fits.

These kind of affirmations help open up your "other-than-conscious-mind" which is the part of you that does the real work on these sessions and afterwards to really getting results. The more that you affirm that even while sleeping your are learning, the more you will get out of any session. There is an excellent book by Eric Maisel called SLEEP THINKING that really goes into how much thinking and real good thought work can happen while we sleep. A life changing book for sure.

You could certainly choose Paraliminals randomly, or by alphabetical order (or by flipping a coin, rolling dice or whatever). And that too might be helpful. Maybe there is some kind of Jungian synchronicity to just choosing using some kind of random factor.

But even if you choose this way rather than by what title you feel you need to to accomplish a specific goal, I would still a) choose only one per session b) set your sleep timer to contain the session to one Paraliminal c) wait at least 20 minutes before listening to another and d) follow the instructions and do no more than 3 in on day (or sleep cycle). BTW, the latter two suggestions are not original with me, but are both per included instructions.

And finally, I would also follow the instructions for at least the "before listening" quick start . If it recommends a goal or objective to have before listening try and come up with one. I know that this can be difficult sometimes. I personally have trouble with this part. But I also have found that the more that I do it, the more I get out of the sessions.

I hope that all helps. Helps me to write it out! So thanks for giving me the opportunity!

All the best,



I'm new the the paraliminals... and the entire Learning Strategies company. I purchased 8 originally, and then recently purchased 8 more. I have them all on my iPod, and have them play when I'm going to bed. I fall asleep within 2 minutes of the first one... and they play until all 16 are done, and the iPod shuts off.

Am I getting what I need out of them by doing it this way? I tried to listen to one (on it's own... to actually hear what is being said)... this afternoon, and fell asleep within 2 minutes (and I was NOT tired!).

I would appreciate any help, guidance, suggestions.... anything to let me know if I need to do something different.

Oh... the iPod lists them alphabetically... is there a particular order to listen? Or is there one that needs to be "before or after" another to get the best benefit?

Thank you in advance!

