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Vitaman, are you being sarcy or is this a genuine suggestion? I fear that if it is genuine, my doctor will think I have gone bonkers or something.

I would like to be sure what is happening before I tell ANYONE who personally knows me. The last thing I want is for peoplet to laugh at me and call me more names!

I will conclude that your post was genuine and considerate. Thank you for the suggestion.


You might want to discuss this with your doctor, as these could be important signs...


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Hi D2C:

Have you given some thought recently to why you feel so driven to listen to Abe, use Brain Sync, and all the rest of the things you are doing with the LSC CD's and courses? How does all of this fit in with your very sensitive nature? Your life goals?......

Hi Unis, to answer your questions ….:

Have you given some thought recently to why you feel so driven to listen to Abe, use Brain Sync, and all the rest of the things you are doing with the LSC CD's and courses? How does all of this fit in with your very sensitive nature? Your life goals?
## Frankly, it all started when I got fed up last year of feeling so targeted and depressed because of situation at work which was getting out of hand. My goal was to change my thoughts (if indeed we are what we think) and invite the kind of respect and consideration I wanted to. What started as a ‘loan’ from a friend of LSC CDs has now turned into a lifestyle (it seems.

Then, I just moved on to whatever I could get my hand on. I didn’t really have a mission as far as Abraham was concerned. I saw the DVD “The Secret” and thought it was all déjà vu, déjà reçu blah blah but for whatever reason, Abraham resonated with me and I found myself drawn to him and the teachings.

You've asked some very good questions here, and I think you also already have many of the answers, but you're also very fearful of looking at them, and seeing where they lead, because doing so will probably set you even farther apart from people (at least temporarily) than you've even been so far in your life. That, too, is a self-perception - it doesn't necessarily reflect the true reality of what is out there for you.
## You are absolutely right! I too thought that it was fear of being ‘different’. But more than that, it is fear of not being able to handle all this. I will tell you one truth – in 1996, I had gone to see a psychic after my divorce. The lady told me a lot of things. She was 98% accurate about everything she had told me. She even gave me initials of people I will meet and who will rock my world etc. It came true – all of it but 2 things. One of them was her telling me that I am psychic too – that I need to practice. Of course I laughed it off at the time. Now I am just spooked.

As a channeler myself, I have to say I was somewhat shocked by your aversion to "speaking to dead people" - actually it would be speaking "for them", most of the time, but certainly the other would come into play as well. To me, this is a privilege, certainly not a curse!
## I don’t think I am averse to it. I am just not sure how to ‘handle’ it. I am very interested in such things and that is why I believe in horoscopes, astrology and mediums but I don’t think I would want to wake up one night and see someone standing in front of me asking for help. If the movie “The Sixth Sense” has taught me anything then it is this – that not all ghosts are friendly! That just drives me to bits in fear!

The holosync embedded in the LSC CD's is not strong enough to produce these results on its own. Most sensitive people fail to recognize their "psychic" natures, and perhaps believe wrongly that this is something to be avoided at all costs.
## Yes, I believe that too. It is not the LSC tapes that are doing it. Recently, I started meditationg and I think it is the combination of things that I am doing that has moved me or is moving to this new chapter in my life. As I mentioned, I have always been very intuitive. My intuition used to more on the ‘remote viewing’ but now … I don’t know. I still leave the telly and the lights on by the way!

This is unfortunate, because they do end up putting themselves in the hands of doctors that don't recognize these developments for what they are, and end up being diagnosed with "conditions" that they don't really have. I know this from personal experience. My GP, also with a "shrink" degree, attempted to label me as bi-polar and schizoid, just because I have the ability to channel, and because my "world view" didn't agree with her very narrow view of life. I was depressed, for very legitimate reasons, and hypnosis, NLP, paraliminals and using Holosync have made a huge positive difference in my life - in fact, I got my life back! I didn't take the advice of the GP, and spend months sitting with a "shrink", or in group therapy (where they put you when they cannot solve your "problem"), and on drugs to supress what was naturally happening.
## Oh my God! It’s like you are talking about me!!!! I have been labeled bi-polar and cuckoo because people just didn’t understand what I was going through. If it wasn’t for this forum, honestly, I would have done away with my life by now. So many people of this forum are kind and in the similar if not the same boat. They understand! I love this community

That's the fate of most people who approach the medical community with the questions you are now asking. If what is happening frightens you, get in touch with others that have moved through these experiences - they are the ones who can help you the most. (If you need help in finding them in your area, click into my web-site and write to me, and I'd be happy to help you to find them). [i/]
## That was my point for starting this thread because I was hopeful someone must have gone through, what I am going through today. I can see I have found YOU! Now I know who to turn to without getting ridiculed!

[i/]If you just absolutely don't want to continue opening these channels of development for yourself, stop doing what you're doing, and most likely, all the things that you are frightened by will also cease. I'd say the first approach will, in the end, be the better one to chose, though, because doing the latter will only delay your own spiritual development. We are meant to evolve - it's in our nature. [i/]
## I actually believe it would be a shame to not proceed and see what fate has in store for me. I have been asking myself for a very long time what my purpose in life is. Maybe .. just maybe, this is it. I don’t know. I could be getting carried away. But I would like to find out. I have never been afraid to try new things – as long as I know what I am getting into and why. Can you point me on how to go about this? The first baby steps? I would be ever so grateful. You can PM me if you like.

Certainly, not every one channels, and no one is going to force you to do that, if you find it that repulsive of a notion. But do you, really? Reading/listening to Abe at bed-time, so that you are opening yourself to those energies, shows that at least a part of you IS comfortable with the concept of it, if not the actual experience. Something for you to think about.
We are ALL open to these experiences. Yes some of us allow their fear to ridicule others while others like me fear the possibilities because of lack of knowledge and understanding. As requested, I would truly appreciate anything you can share – as a medium, to help me realize whether I am indeed growing spiritually or whether it is just this moment in time, because of circumstances, that I am so aware of the non-physical.

Thank you Unis! I shall wait for your response!! Eagerly!

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Hi D2c,

First, I would like to say, you are OK. Perfectly OK.
..............My two €cents...


Hi Oxygen!

First, I would like to say, you are OK. Perfectly OK.
## Thank you. It’s always reassuring!

Second, as you suspect in you post, the reason for your situation may well be the extensive use of self-help tapes. Maybe some overload? Anyway, using so many products per day, you are certainly asking for something. And now you've got it. Maybe you were not precise enough stating what you want?
## Yes, it is possible that it is just that. However, I don’t see why I am so drawn to listen more and more to Abraham.

I know when you seem to have so many problems, you want to solve them all at the same time. It's usually not the best approach! (But, so understandable!) Slooowww dowwwnnnn .... .... and take one problem only at a time. Usually it happens, if you get one problem solved the others start to untangle also. The mind sort of understands how it's done
##Actually, currently I don’t have a real ‘problem’ per say. I was a mess last year but since then, my life is sailing trouble free (major trouble that is).

BTW what do the whispers say? Have you asked them? Have you made them louder? More friendly?
## No, not audible. My ears just raise like a dog’s ear would and I am struggling to make sense of what the whispers are saying but nothing. At times, it does feel like someone is directly whispering in my ear and I put a sheet over my head and then a pillow to block it out. Then I get this uneasy feeling and I have to get up and turn the light on to see what or who the heck is causing me dis-ease.

Have you looked at the "someone who is in your room"? Has She/he something to say?
##No – if I had, then I would know for sure that I am a psychic or can see ghosts. No, it’s just an ever present presence. Little things that happen that tell me I am not alone. They just don’t tell me – they make it known so there is no doubt that I am not alone.

Dead people are dead. That's why we who are alive cannot contact them. The only thing that we have is the memory of the dead people. And that is in your own mind, in your imagination and can be controlled by you. If not you, then who?
## I don’t believe that. Dead people are around us. Their bodies are dead but the mind (however you want to define the mind – vibration, energy, spirit) is always around us. Some can feel and translate from these energies whilst others are oblivious to it. I think it is because they (we/I) don’t pay attention to them or are not aware of their sixth sense.

I am still not over the cat who just kept hissing at me but looked past my shoulder, and there was no one standing behind me. This was a while back at a friends. I was invited for dinner and the homeowner had a cat. Cats are supposed to be extra sensory. I am certain my guardian spirit was playing with the cat. Because after a while, the cat settled and as if there was nothing there. Then she would just jump as if she was spooked and look at me and then settle back down. It was bizarre. Another experienced that is etched in my memory and heart.

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UNIS - what do you mean channel by phone?

Speaking of phones, tell me if this means anything. For a very long time, my phone would ring around 3:00 am every morning. When I would answer, there would be no one on the other side except for static. The first few morning I thought I had dreamt it - but then when it persisted I spoke to my mom and she didn't know what it was. So I got fed up and removed my land line! I don't have a land phone anymore, just a cell phone.

Soon after I removed the land line, I would simply wake up at 3:00 am! I thought that because the phone got me used to waking up at that time, I would automatically wake up at 3:00 am but after a while, I stopped.

Many a times today (not as often as I used to), I will wake up at 3:00 a.m. And I will be upset with myself and say "I bet you it's 3:00 am!" And sure enough, I would look at the clock and it would be 3:00 a.m. Then I would feel the presence and get spooked and go back to sleep with some loud noise playing.

One time, my fan (air fan) simply shut down on its own at 3:00 am! I had to get up and turn it on again and watched it and it stayed on.

Does this mean anything?

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Yes, D2C, genuine. I am not usualy one to get sarcastic. It could be that these are spiritual events. Could be something else, too. If so, it is better to know sooner and get on a treatment plan if needed before things get realy bad. Anyways, there are long lists of criteria that the medical pros use before they make a diagnosis, and they can look at it from many angles.


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Hi D2C,

I read your first message again, the part where you described the whispers and the thud. I lived it through, like if I were you. I got a feeling your subconscious mind is protecting you from something. Like, There's something hidden in the back of your mind and it does not want that thing to surface. Or some memory from your past where something similar happenend. I don't want to be too specific, because this may mislead you. What would I do? I would wait and see. I could use Natural Briliance. I would love it (feeling exercise?). Sometimes things are better if you let your subconscious mind handle them. They dont need to surface. Be specific in your goals!


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It's interesting that you're reporting things happening at 3 am.

To the superstitious, this is typically when demons will attack people. Demons supposedly have a sort of blasphemous and campy sense of humor and thumb their noses at God in a variety of ways. 3 am at night is supposed to represent the inverted trinity, and it's when they like to play.

You've seen The Possession of Emily Rose, right? I remember that in The Amityville Horror that the really bad stuff would happen at 3:15 am. But all that is just fiction.

Really, it just sounds like you've created a pattern for yourself.

Getting woken up at 3am by a phone call is something unusual, and any normal person would think and wonder about it. I've been able to get myself to wake up without an alarm clock by merely thinking about waking up at a certain time, or expecting to.

I think what you've done is gotten hooked by some perfectly normal but coincidental events and have established a pattern of thinking and behavior, that's all.

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May be a circadian rythm thing? ...I have heard of neurological events as well but all I could find on the web was about sleep...Anyone else here know about that?

Here is what we learn in ChiGong...

03:00-05:00 Yin Lungs
05:00-07:00 Mao Large Intestine
07:00-09:00 Chen Stomach
09:00-11:00 Si Spleen
11:00-13:00 Wu Heart
13:00-15:00 Wei Small Intestine
15:00-17:00 Shen Bladder
17:00-19:00 You Kidneys
19:00-21:00 Xu Pericardium
21:00-23:00 Hai TripleWarmer
23:00-01:00 Zi Gallbladder
01:00-03:00 Chou Liver

That might be a good time for you to meditate.

Just a thought...


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D2C cut back on the amount of time you spend listening to brainwave altering programs. Also do not use them every night. What you might be experiencing is dream cycle work that cannot be done because you are loading your brain with material. Sleep learning is great but I never consider it a good idea to do it every night or even the whole night. It lacks balance. Our dream cycle is usually for working through our day to day experiences, strengthen memory on things we learn and releasing. If you've got other stuff going on throughout the sleep cycle because you're impatient to let the change happen with just an hour a days effort I believe it creates an imbalance.

So slow down with all that change stuff, especially at night.


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Hello everyone! I have been visiting but not posting because I wanted to report back with what I did since my last post of June 7 and where things are at with me right now.

After a lot of thought, I stopped meditating and listening to meditation music. Furthermore, I reduced all brain wave activity to 3 hours a day - out of which, 2 sessions that I have continued to listen to is IPM, my favourite from BS - Universal Mind and a prosperity affirmations tracks I have been listening to.

I listened to IPM at work, first thing, when it is very quite and I can close my eyes and don't get disturbed (perks of getting there at 7:30!!).

Since then I noticed 3 things
1. No weird events at night or day

2. I am less aware of myself (before, I would actually be aware of who I was, how tall, what I was doing, how I was feeling etc.).

3. I have lost some alertness. I seem to be in a daze most of the time (side effect I guess).

I am not sure if I have done the right thing, but I just wasn't ready to play with anything paranormal - if indeed that is what was being awakened within me.

Oh, I have also been working out heavily to tire myself so I can just go to bed and drop to deepest sleep the minute my head hits the pillow.

I don't feel great - but I don't feel bad either.

Thanks all for suggestions and advise. I think, I have done the right thing (not sure, but I think I have). If I am meant to pursue the paranormal then I am sure the opportunity will come back. As of now, I am just happy being 'normal'.

By the way, I have resumed reading David Burns book "Feeling Good". I have to do something with all that spare time *wink*! I have also continued watching abraham - I think this is okay.


Last edited by decision2change; 06/22/07 12:16 AM.
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