Hi Strategist

I started with reiki in 1998 and have been with sfq qigong about 3 years.
With both I have had a few good results 3 maybe 4, phone healing with chunyi , seven healings, seems I felt something but in all truth result dubious, people that I have done healing on is not very many but have found the female has always felt various sensations, us males seem very insensitive accept for one who felt it very strongly, but in general did not appear to really help. I am totally convinced of the flowing of the energies But not of the desired outcome, ref gallen the will power to exercise daily, I do agree but we are not all engaged as a healthy person and have many reasons for dropping out. .In conversation I could waffle on for hours as the subject for me is fascinating .[the very best to all] Gordon13
Ps.re testimonies from doing this on there own, sorry to say i have no story
to give confidence, but would say have allways had good feeling toward sfq qigong