I had some very interesting experience with Happy for No Reason. The first time I listen to it, I remember that for the next few days, I was just happy! Serious, it's like everything is cool.

The second time I listened to it, I got very angry. I was never so angry in my entire life. In face, I never quite feel anger. After listening I was angry for 3 days! This is good for me though. Now I know how it feels like to be angry and to just let this emotion out before it's too late. This is probably what I have to release before I can feel Happy.

Last night, I have been playing the sleeping track of Happy for No Reason through the entire night. Today, I am feeling happy and just live in the moment. I feel that there's nothing to worry about. Everything will just turn out alright.

Murof, I do agree with you with Marci Shimoff's voice being distant. I also noticed that her breathing is very noticeable. That could be a reason why she has to keep a distance from microphone - to minimize the sound of breathing.

That's me~
