i noticed that lot's of people are saying "I just started my Paraliminals, so I'll write about my success stories when they happen". I'm in this boat as well, however, while I was waiting for the New Options Generator Cd (amoungst others)to arrive in the mail I began to mentally prepare myself for thinking of different solutions to a few problems that presented themselves. (I guess that is part of the Law of Attraction, if you think of it, it will become more noticable.)In expectation of recieving the Instantanious Personal Magnetism Cd, I began to feel more "outgoing" and even made a new friend in the new church i joined. I am begining to realize these Cds are extra tools designed to help us bring out our best traits, rather than a magical solution to our problems, since most of our abilities are already within us in the first place. I'm glad to be a part of this program,anyway, and I hope I can share a "breakthrough" in the future.

You're only young once, but you can be immature forever.