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#62724 11/05/07 04:43 AM
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I have the ultimate set of paraliminals and have been using them off and on since receiving about 12 months ago.

I see little changes that are positive each time I listen to one but I have a very desperate situation in my life and I need some guidance on what would be best listened to, for how long and in what order (if applicable).

I realise this may be a huge ask.

The situation is financial - I have a extremely desperate financial situation and if I don't see significant changes within the week I think it is all over. What I wan is to have the money ($10k +) to pay some creditors - that is just the start.

I then need another $10k to bed things down a bit and be back on deck.

And that is just the beginning.

My stress levels are running at an all time high.

Can somebody give me guidance. I can see the paraliminals are working but I need them to work bigger and faster for me - not just these tiny baby steps.

Thank you.

quirkette #62725 11/07/07 04:20 PM
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I have the ultimate set of paraliminals and have been using them off and on since receiving about 12 months ago.

I see little changes that are positive each time I listen to one but I have a very desperate situation in my life and I need some guidance on what would be best listened to, for how long and in what order (if applicable).

I realise this may be a huge ask.

The situation is financial - I have a extremely desperate financial situation and if I don't see significant changes within the week I think it is all over. What I wan is to have the money ($10k +) to pay some creditors - that is just the start.

I then need another $10k to bed things down a bit and be back on deck.

And that is just the beginning.

My stress levels are running at an all time high.

Can somebody give me guidance. I can see the paraliminals are working but I need them to work bigger and faster for me - not just these tiny baby steps.

Thank you.

Wow. I would maybe first focus on Deep Relaxation. After that, try either Prosperity or Self-Esteem Supercharger.

One thing I would do along with the Paraliminals, is change the program a bit. And one way to do that is to use affirmations. Write them out at least 10 times a day. Put them in the present tense and in the positive.

For example: "My financial situation is healthy and well. I am experiencing financial abundance beyond my needs right now"

Or something to that effect.

This does take some time, but results can often be very dramatic.

And as I think Yogi Berra once said, "It ain't over 'til it's over!"

So much of life seems to be to live with the Tao (or Dao). It is important to get back into the flow. And along with the affirmations, it is important to visualize what you want. See it, or feel it, or hear it or think it really hard. Do this for at least a few minutes every day.

I think it is Maxwell Maltz in his wonderful and classic work, "Psychocybernetics" points out that we already do this with negative things and fears! And we do it automatically! It takes a little more practice to do it with positive outcomes.

He says that many fears go through the following process, but usually in the space of second or less:
1) "OHMYGAWD! ____________(whatever the fear or worry) could happen!"
2) "Well, if it could happen, maybe it really will happen!"
3) "Well, if maybe it really will happen, then probably it really will happen!"
4) "Oh, no, this will happen!"

Now, whether the worry happens or not, we often experience all the negative effects of it happening throughout the process and until the thing either happens or does not happen. And this kind of thing rarely, if ever helps us.

So Dr. Maltz, suggests trying the same process but with the postive outcome:

1) "OHMYGAWD! Having all the money I need could happen!"
2) "Well, if it could happen, then maybe it really will happen!"
3) "Well, if maybe it really will happen, then probably it really will happen!"
4) "Oh, yes! This will happen!"

Now, he points out that this takes longer at first, because most of us are not used to this, at least in many areas of our life, as far as postive outcomes (or at least on those we are working on. On the other hand, most of us, DO do this for things like a paper cut: "This will probably heal" to "This will heal", usually is automatic for many things).

So he suggests an exercise. I did this a part of a meditation I was leading with a group of people. It was very effective:

At least start with "X (whatever the postive outcome you are looking for) is at least possible".

Try and go from there to, "Well, if it is possible, it could happen!"

That is where you need to use whatever Paraliminal and written affirmations along with visualization you will do.

This does take some work.

But at the point you are at, you have nothing to lose, by dedicating a few minutes each day to such an exercise along with a Paraliminal.

See the outcome you want. Focus on that. Every time, the worry or fear comes in, substitute either any positive thought about ANY subject or the exact opposite of the negative thought.

Be rigorous! Know that you are part of an abundant universe that is providing all of your needs and always will.

And I (and I am sure others as well) will hold you in my meditations for postive energy, healing and abundance. May it be so for you!


shakurav #62726 11/13/07 09:42 PM
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Thank you for your reply and my apologies for taking so long to get back to you. I have taken in what you said and I thank you very much. I have tried a number of paraliminals - I found the deep relaxation one ok but possibly not quite right for me at this time.

I have used the Anxiety Free one a few times and I have found each time I have been more stressed, negative and anxious the next day. So I am stopping that for the time being.

I have been doing the Prosperity CD and found that ok but still cannot see any real tangible results.

As I have a retail business that I work in every day I thought if I did the Personal Magnetism one it may attract more people into the shop. Not this paraliminal has been very good and effective but the problem is the money does not come with the attracting of people - so I feel warm and fuzzy about the people contact and the nice things that happen but no money.

I have been trying all types of ways to do my affirmations but I have just been having problems keeping to writing them down. So I have set up a small chant of 3 affirmations that I roll over and over in my head particularly when a negative comes in. I am finding this easier and I am interested in seeing how it goes.

Can I over-do it on the Paraliminals? I have been doing one a day alternating between the Prosperity and testing others to see which one is right for me.

Again thank you for your kindness in your posting - I will post again as to how things are going.

quirkette #62727 11/14/07 10:08 PM
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I then need another $10k to bed things down a bit and be back on deck.

The situation is financial - I have a extremely desperate financial situation and if I don't see significant changes within the week I think it is all over. What I wan is to have the money ($10k +) to pay some creditors - that is just the start.

I then need another $10k to bed things down a bit and be back on deck.

Can somebody give me guidance. I can see the paraliminals are working but I need them to work bigger and faster for me - not just these tiny baby steps.


I sincerely hope that you don't mind me pulling some of your quotes. I had to in order to show you some things. First off, you are coming from an extreme position of "lack" and this is why you are only experiencing baby steps. The universe is an abundant place and remember this.. it wants to give you what you "desire". Notice I said desire not "need". Whenever you come from a position of neediness, you can almost be certain that you won't recieve it. People never get what they need but they do get what they desire. Think about that for a minute. Let it sink in. Change your affirmations from I need 10k to I desire 10k to pay the creditors. Then detach yourself from it and expect it to happen. It may not come in the form of someone showing up at your doorstep and giving you 10k. It may be an idea for a business or in some other form.It doesn't always have to be money. You also made the comment that " I think it is all over" well... you can bet it is. What you are telling your subconscious mind is it is all over and there is no way I can get the 10k. Thoughts are things and your subconscious gives you exactly what you think about 100% of the time. Change your thoughts, change your mind... and change your life. Paraliminals can only assist you in reinforcing information on your subconscious, but you have to ultimately believe that it can happen, before it will. This is why only little things are happening for you right now. Also, realize that money is not real it is only an exchange of energy or value within oneself. How do you feel about money or more importantly what are your beliefs about money? We all have them, analyze yours and see what you really think about money. This would serve you well then use the paraliminal. Always realize that when you are coming from a position of desperation, worry or fear it is very counterproductive to what you want to manifest in your life. What's the worst that can happen if you don't pay your creditors? What's the best scenario that can happen.. think on that. Believe the best scenario is possible! It is very easy to err on the side of negativity, so why not err on the side of positivity and see what happens. I, myself, have grown so much since adopting these strategies and really studying manifestation. I no longer worry or fear things anymore I just expect the best and that's what I get. You deserve the best remember that! If I can help you in anyway, let me know. Deek67

shakurav #62728 11/15/07 04:30 PM
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I always enjoy reading shakurav's responses.
very insightful.

Deek67 #62729 11/15/07 04:35 PM
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Desperate - you have nailed it! The universe is CRUEL just like the financial banks. The universe is supposed to be dumb but obviously not, if it can differentiate between need and desire!

And when you NEED, no one sticks around. It is only when you are glowing with abundance that everyone sticks to you like glue! It is the same when it comes to the banks, when you go looking for a loan and friends who generally stick to you when things are going great for you. Only one or two stick around at really tough times.

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Hi quirkette,

I'm not actually going to talk much about Paraliminals in this post, but I think you'll find that your LOA work has manifested something you didn't expect - me!

I've been in the boat you're in. The first thing you need to do is get educated on credit law. When you do, you'll realize you have some options you didn't see before. You'll find out as I did that simply paying your creditors - particularly collection agencies - may not help your credit, and could in fact hurt it.

First things first: my problems started over two years ago. I was in panic mode, like you. But here I am, two years later, alive, thriving, debt-free and on the right track to repairing my credit. I'm living proof that it is possible to recover from these things, and even come out ahead.

That panic will eat you alive. The panic is a liar. Don't give it a place to rest. You are OK. You have some problems, and you will solve them. It is not all over. There are always options.

You can learn everything you want to know about the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act at The site is full of information about how to deal with creditors, get your credit straightened out, and - most importantly - what collection agencies can LEGALLY do to collect a debt. You have more protection under law than you probably realize.

Before I close, a piece of very practical advice: if creditors are calling you on the phone, DO NOT take the calls. Do not deal with creditors on the phone. Do not agree to pay anything over the phone. Request that they contact you by mail only. It is your legal right to do this, so don't let them tell you otherwise. Don't let them intimidate you with threats of garnished wages, liens on property and court action.

You'll learn a lot more at If there's any particular issue I can help you with, feel free to PM me.

I've been where you are and I'm fine now. I'm doing great, and the future looks promising. Please keep that in mind when that dark cloud starts looming.

Hang in there!

Take care,


DaveD #62731 11/23/07 09:21 AM
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Quikette I hope you come back to see Dave's post. Dave that was really good! Was thinking that myself that that was the advise needed. Did you end up filing for bankruptcy? Actually I'm in over my head with finances too, but no hounding from bill collectors. I pay with plastic money! ugh...

Anyhow, that was really good advise...

quirkette #62732 11/23/07 04:05 PM
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What I am going to tell you may seem hard but it will solve your problem. First try to strape up some money to buy a Motivaider. You are concentrating on your lack to much by doing that you will keep going in circles getting the same results. You have to see yourself already out of the problem you are facing. Do not think about how you are going to do it just see yourself out. You need to work on changing your predominant thoughts in it is not that easy. Everybody talks about positive thinking but you can not think negative thoughts or your bad situations 12-15 hours a day in expect a great change. You need to get fed up with yourself let go of your past, in demand a change. I love paraliminals I listen to them everyday but my greatest power came out my own mouth and mind. All day I see in my head me acheiving my goals and saying positive thing to myself. When I am driving I turn off the radio in say my affirmations I get mad in scream them demanding myself what I deserve. Nobody is going to see or can tell what you are thinking so do not worry about what people say. Do not tell anyone what you are doing, because you are probally around negative people that are rubbing off on you.They will try to plant bad seeds in your head if you tell them what you are doing. Try to get a motivaider set it on 10 min in go to work. Everytime you listen to a paraminal keep your one goal in mind. Remember SEE YORSELF ALREADY ACHIEVING YOUR GOAL. FEEL IT!!!!!

Last edited by CPW1; 11/23/07 04:12 PM.
CPW1 #62733 11/27/07 12:37 AM
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You need to get the Abundance for Life course. Sure, I want a million dollars to magically appear from the sky. That's not how paraliminals work. Paraliminals help to bring your resources online from within not externally. You have to act on your incites. What type of incites do you get when new customers come in. Try it out. Abundance for Life helps you clarify your vision and bring your intuition to the forefront.

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