This is one of the more arduous tasks in the life of any man. My suggestions? Listen to EVERY TAPE YOU HAVE.

One thing that has helped me is to avoid music. Most music is either feel-good music about being in love, which will just make you feel awful because the woman you used to love has not only left you, but has transformed herself into something completely different. The rest of it is feel-bad music about cheating, dumping, lost love, and even a new song I like to call the stalker song, (“If you’re not the one for me why does your name run through my mind all day?”). Better to have a book on tape or NPR on your radio, if anything at all.

One of the better tapes, although it takes multiple listenings to truly bring comfort to something so uncomfortable as love in vain, is the New History Generator. There are so many shattered expectations that your past futures have all become tangled up. The New History Generator gives you a chance to explore those futures that never will happen, and give you a sense that it is OK that your life is in the here and now.

I hope this was helpful.