Hello Phoenix,

Thank you for your answer, it's very nice of you to have taken the time to do it... I really appreciate.

It's a way I could do it, you are right.

I thought that maybe if I say something like this (see bellow) before starting also, maybe it could work, what do you think ?

"My goal for this session is to lose 1% of what I weigh right now until I reach my ideal weight of 125 pounds."

Do you think it could work if I do it like this ?

Of course, I will feel it if I lose weight. Firstly, my cloths will be to big for me and I will feel lighter. My skin will be temporarily a little bit too loose... you know.

I just want to be sure that If I say what I just wrote you if the paraliminal will work anyway or not, what do you think ?

Also, I have another question. At the Session B, there is a question that I don't understand in English. The question is: "think of a situation around eating that has been a problem or may be a problem in the near future. How would you like to behave in that situation?"

What exactly is that mean? Can you give me an example of what it could be. Maybe it's my English that need help there ))
