Isabelle, I've used this CD with great results. For me, your second question about the food problem has to do either with foods you can't resist, OR with occasions when you are eating out or with friends and someone insists that you "must" try their chocolate-marshmallow-suger-bomb pie, etc. This time of year, I get that a lot. This part of the CD helps with that.

As for weighing--another non-LSC CD I use suggests not weighing yourself very often at all. In fact, I think that works better. You can tell "if" you are losing just by looking at yourself in the mirror, and by how your clothing fits. Obsessing over what the scales say might be counter-productive, according to that CD (Paul McKenna, "I Can Make You Thin") and the book that comes with it. I think, though, that you'll find that you eat less, feel better, and weigh less almost without effort. That doesn't mean no exercising of course, but it all seems to go so much easier with these CDs.

Plus, I think your other-than-conscious self know what 1% is, even if our conscious self has to get out the scales and the calculator.

Good luck with it!