
Could I listen to side B of Ideal Weight everyday ?

Yes you could.

Also when listening to session A keep in mind 1% of your body weight is the goal of what you want to lose in a week. so if you have 100lbs to change you're only supposed to focus on 1lb.

Jeanne, my email is at the top of the forum and they also contact me on three of my private emails. It would be helpful if they kept the post on the forum. Also I've been offline due to the extreme storms I've been getting here. When you wait 3 or more hours for a storm to pass 3 or 4 times a week it throws the schedule out. My town is known as Tent city thanks to the hailstorm damage. I regret while dealing with the damage I also have a business to run and need sleep too. There's a storm hanging around as I write.
