Hello gwhutton,

Thanks for EFT, I use it since October 2006 and I can tell you that it really works. I am over bulimia that I had for more than 20 years. In a period of one month, I did it 7 times for getting over cravings and it was gone and still gone. I do not have cravings anymore, I don't feel the same. It's really a panic sensation that there is this part of me that do not feel secure (and it's all still jam in my mind so I am confuse about all this) of losing weight and even thinking of it.

I started again to do it for cravings, but the panic is still there when I think of losing weight or even don't think of it. It's just that I feel so confuse about all this that I cannot find words of what using with EFT. strange I know !!!

but thanks for EFT, I do believe in it.
