
Hello SunnKali,

I don't understand how I could use belief for that.

Please could you tell me how exactly you would use it for the security part, just to give me a hint. What would you say before listening ?

Side A is for: Strengthen belief in your abilities to achieve your desires

Side B is for: Establish powerful self-enhancing beliefs

Which side you would listen for that ?


Hi Isabelle,

Hopefully Shawn will comment with a suggestion or correct me if I'm off-base, but I think I'd keep it simple and use "It is not safe to be thin" for Belief Session A (to re-write a self-limiting belief) and "It is safe to be thin" for Belief Session B (for a self-enhancing belief.)

Be gentle with yourself. Have you tried Deep Relaxation? I've actually worn my copy out and need to get a new one.

You may not be ready for yet another CD, but I can highly recommend Belleruth Naparstek's Health Journeys Guided Meditations. I think they really compliment Learning Strategies programs. I went through a particularly horrendous period about 10 years ago, and I truly believe that Learning Strategies and Belleruth's materials saved my life. She has many awesome CD'c, but in particular, check out her Healing Trauma (PTSD) and Weight Loss CD's. I looked at the Canadian Amazon site, and it looks like they might be available through vendors. They might also be in bookstores in your area. The PTSD CD is very powerful and tender. It's you and your guide (I've used Jesus, angels and even my now-husband in my sessions.) It leads you gently and safely through your heart and your pain to your center, where you are perfection.

They're also available on her website.


Here's a page that talks about Post Tramatic Stress


This is the direct link - it has a link for an audio sample.


On that page, it suggests their Stress, Sleep, or Grief Imageries first, if it feels like the trauma is too soon.

I didn't mean to make this so long. I've been thinking about you, but I didn't want to answer until I was able to think through my response.

Joy & Light to you.

PS. I just found this while looking around Health Journey's website -- it's a free 15 minute guided imagery download to help with stress.


Last edited by SunnKali; 02/21/08 08:56 PM.