I think this is a great question that Terence is asking and it leads me to something that at least helps me:

So much of how this works (and many other things that LSC produces, as well as similar kinds of selp-help material) is somewhat based on faith. And when I say faith, I don't mean simply blind belief, but rather a kind of "leap" that can at first start out as a total "lie".

And when I say "lie", I am not referring to LSC or the writer of the material, but rather what we are willing to tell ourselves in training in such new technology (and I use the word "new" also loosely here, because these things are in some ways as old as the mind).

The other than conscious mind does not know the difference between something we make up and something that is "real". Especially, if we image that with great intensity, feeling, visualization, sound, etc.

(bear with me here)

So, the key to a lot of success with this method is instead of saying,


AlexK has said that 3 questions and 15 trigger words are well enough for a 12-min postview

However...I always had difficulty in forming questions - the level of 'concrete' of my mind probes.

Rather, say something along the lines of "It is easy for me to form questions that help me in my PR process. I always get right to the heart of the matter".

In other words, even if you get a specific answer to your question here, I think the key to this process as well as other processes that deal with the "whole mind", is to believe that you can do it easily and "act as if". In other words, "lie".

Eventually, you will forget that you are "lying" and it just happens.

I find that this is the key to so many life changing principles: "fake it until you make it" (to borrow from the 12 Step programs).

This is true for athletes and anyone who seems to do "miracles" in accomplishing many great things: they first just imagined it.

I realize that what motivate questions such as this one is a real need to master great bodies of text for classes, work, etc. And I do not mean to diminish the importance of that.

But what makes this method something special is it borders on the same kinds of things that help many coaches, athletes, millionaires, and people who are succesful at so many thing. And it all starts with imagination and keeping focused on the "image" (or goal or whatever you want to call it), UNTIL IT HAPPENS!

So, I would trust the process more and if Alex says that "3 questions and 15 trigger words are good enough for a 12 minute post-view" than go with that. Believe that a) it is and b) you are already doing it and do it easily and than see what happens.

I have found recently in my life, that I think I need more "things" (words, books, etc) than I actually do. So often the wisdom, knowledge and information we really need is found "in the space between the words". That is to say that information is often not in specifics, but rather the way WE process whatever raw data we receive.

I think the more we PR and the more we say to ourselves (even writing it out multiple times in affirmations), "I get this. It is easy for me. I can do this with any reading material and it is fun and productive". And the more we bring in specifics e.g. "I am PR this material and getting 'x' out of it and can 'y' with the material I need" or whatever, the more we will master it and be able to use it for what we need.

Keep in mind that Paul Scheele's basic discipline is hypnosis. That almost all of the things he develops is based on that. Yes, he does research and trial and error to find what will work best, but the basic principle is still using the "whole mind" to develop and grow.

So while specifics like this question may indeed be helpful and good, I think even better would be to practice with the thought-image "I do this easily and need less to accomplish it. Less is more"

Anyway, that's my two cents for what it may be worth.

P.S. Trial and error and being willing to learn from mistakes is also a key to success with so many things. The old classic about Babe Ruth being, yes, a home run king, but also leading the league in strike outs! Or the many so-called "failures" that Henry Ford and Thomas Alva Edison had before they reached success.

Same applies here. I think that to just do the PR process, keep it simple and short and be willing to "fail" or "fall" (as in Aikido and Judo) in order to succeed is so important.

