Thanks so much, Shawn for these very helpful suggestions. I just got a flyer in the mail today informing me about the "Higher Energy" SFQ class in Southern California.

It is might not work out this year, because of the money, but I am really drawn to this training. I have been working on a lot of people in my congregation, family, friends, pets etc and feel very motivated to learn at a Level III training. It also looks like I finally have a support group starting up this Sunday. As I said in another thread, there will be two articles in two local daily newspapers this weekend.

The fact that there is this class in So Cal, makes it more likely than me trying to attend the Minnesota classes this summer, but it all depends on financial status. If I was going to do it, I would like to take advantage of the early bird special of $200 off, but it is likely that I will be able to make this decision in the next 10 days (I want to, but I also am married and my spousal overunit might not agree).

But if not this year, then certainly next year. I will begin saving up for it.

Again, I and others are very grateful to you for providing guidance on this subject.



