Nice Post.

Alot of these so called mistakes really aren't. Sometimes you need the down time to let the Universe complete cooking the menu for you.

Another thing is to find that motivation that will make you unstoppable in your amibition to succeed. Some people can "fake it until they make it" but I never could.

I found that being my kids "Business Manager" has really become just that and it has become my Business. It is one of those motivating things that "failure is no option". Can't entertain a negative thought about it, no matter the work load. I take all these aspects of running a business, such as, long & short term planning in education, athletics, finance, skill building and doing the paperwork. Look at their natural gifts and abilities and try to compliment the tools they need to develope them.

Then I get out of the way. This has been probably the most rewarding thing I have ever done and I get to use all those years of education and organizational stuff in a practical way that I see real returns on. Yeah Baby!

Big mistakes I have made:

Helping people that didn't appreciate it and then they think you still owe them. They suck all the energy out of you.

Not taking care of my own health, wasting time doing things that weren't rewarding.

Not taking the time to decide what was the best utilization of my time and then having the disciple to follow through on that.

Not staying focused on that deep motivating factor inside myself that will overcome all obstacles.