I think my mistakes mainly consist of:

1. Putting value on what others think. Dr. Dyer gave me an affirmation the other day that really freed me on very real, deep basis: "What you think about me is none of my business." The value, and the point of power, is in my own thoughts.

2. Accepting other people's truths as my own. This is something I have done all of my life- as we all do. But now I am learning that I do not need to accept anyone else's truth. I can believe what I really do, instead.

3. I have recently learned to reframe things, because I also would be "honest" about my life in blunt and direct ways. So now instead of saying, "I am sick," I choose to say, "I am currently looking forward to feeling completely healthy!"

4. I judged myself as having done things "wrong" instead of simply having more opportunities to learn how to do things "right."

5. I believed I needed to control my thoughts- but I tried to control the wrong ones. I tried to "undo" reality rather than reframing it in such a way where I could still find truth in the statement, but where it changed my perspective enough for me to move forward on a more positive mental and emotional framework.

6. I believed that thoughts are the point of power, not emotions. But I have come to understand that thoughts lead to emotions, and that is why it is good to control our thoughts- because they control the emotions we experience, and the emotions we experience are the magnets that draw our desires to us (or pushes them away).