Dream Play is excellent for sleep and dreams.

If you just use the Paraliminal to help you to sleep that becomes your purpose for listening. If you always use any of the Paraliminal with this idea it's then a purpose for listening. 'This will help me fall asleep', you're giving your non-conscious mind the message to ignore the message in the Paraliminal and just use the conscious confusion it creates as a way of sleeping. You've relieved the non-conscious mind of a job making a change so the non-conscious mind continues to do what it always does, work on maintaining the status quo. If you later do listen to the Paraliminal with another specific purpose, the repeated message ignore this it's just to put me to sleep comes into action. So the benefit of the Paraliminal is diluted.

If listening to a Paraliminal with a purpose that the Paraliminal is designed for you will come up on the last track as Paul pulls you out. If listening at night before sleep, when I start hearing Paul returning me to the alert state I usually say goodnight Paul and pull off the headphones (player will stop anyway). I don't use the sleep learning tracks during sleep myself.

I'm not saying you cannot or should not us Paraliminals before going to sleep I'm saying don't use them to help you to fall asleep. If you use them at night use them as, one last thing I do before I fall asleep. Work on my purpose of and at the end I can fall asleep.

One of the reasons I suggest listening to the Paraliminal once during the day well before sleep is it helps you focus on your purpose. Then at night if you put that particular sleep learning track on you're doing it with the intention of using sleep to reinforce your purpose not "to help you to sleep"
