I have a little question for those that have the course. According to the marketting description on this site, the course consists on six tapes, each one has a recording from a different expert on their own field. They are:
1) Paul Scheele
with Euphoria Paraliminal Learning
2) Hale Dwoskin
with the Sedona Method for Euphoria
3) D. Trinidad Hunt
with adventures in living from your center
4) Chunyi Lin
with the Qigong way of life
5) Bill Harris
with Holosync session for euphoria
6) Rex Steven Sikes
and Carolyn Sikes' Attitude Activator

Well, I own and has taken the Sedona Method course from Hale Dwoskin, I follow the Holosync program from Centerpointe (I'm currently doing the Awakening Level 4), and I have the Spring Forest Qigong course thought I abandoned it due to guilt feelings at doing it and needless to say that I can take it whenever I wish. This leaves me with "Euphoria Paraliminal", "Attitude Activator", and "adventures in living from your center" as those that I haven't sample or haven't experienced. My question is; is the price tag right for those three? Is it worth the try even at the diminished value? If we add the SFQ meditation to those of value (because it could be different) that makes four instead of six. Well, what do you think? Are those that I don't have one way or the other worth the price tag? Thanks.