It's hard for me to say what is worth while for you.

Since, I've only been through the set once I can not even separate the tape that well in my mind.

I found them all educational. None of them have given me what I was looking for, yet. Almost all of it was new to me.

Are the few that are left worth it? Well you're on level 4 of Holosync and on my first pass through I'd say that for me, it was the least interesting in the series.

I'm doing the Sykes tape now, probably just because it was the last one. I'll probably go onto Dwoskin's or Hunt's next, then onto Scheele's and Lin's. I may eventually get around to doing Harris' again. I didn't dislike it, it just wasn't .... well it just wasn't.

Next time is use them, I may be in a different place and have a different experience. I'm glad I have the full set. It's probably like learning anything, even PR, you learn something different each time you visit it.

You are perfection.