Hiya scoots \:\)

I'm grateful you stopped in here and posted this. Reading it gave me the feeling that despite all you are facing, you have a wonderful sense of humor.

It seems like you've got a lot of things lined up to help you cope and feel better. I'm a reiki person (learned it for my animals) and that is a wonderful gift as Jeanne suggested [pause to send a gratitude vibe scoots way].

And Tolle is a nice one to listen to. I'm especially grateful for his work since listening to him helped sooth my Mom's passing recently.

I'm wondering if you might benefit from Learning Strategies "Clear Mind ~ Bright Future?" I've just ordered it but I haven't received it yet. When I read the description, I felt like it might add a more tangible aspect to my efforts to make a new life and income for myself. If so, that would serve to reduce the fear and fatigue running through my bones.

Although I've truly benefitted from Tolle and others, I've felt that I needed someone to coach me along in the actual doing of it all. So I'm just beginning to use Learning Strategies to teach me how to do and repeat what many of the other teachers (Tolle, Chopra, Dyer, Braden) were chatting about. I still listen to all of them, but am activating their ideas through Learning Strategies courses. Does that make sense?

Also Caroline Myss is wonderful. And different in all the best ways. Listening to her, we are reminded that we aren't the only ones who have been hurt, and that sometimes we are the one who inflicts the hurt on others. She is responsibility minded and I feel that progress can never be very deep until we understand not only how to heal from the hurts we've experienced from others, but recognize the hurts that we've inflicted on others. Taking steps toward being kind and behaving responsibly is so very, very important these days. So, it's a two-way street, and Myss never flinches from that, because progress will always fall short without that recognition and that type of course correction.

Aw scoots, I don't know if any of this helps, but perhaps knowing that we're out here listening and caring about you - maybe that aspect helps. I'm going to go work on a pile of my papers in your honor. Thanks much, and let us know how things are going..... \:\)

Last edited by So-So; 06/21/08 10:44 PM.