The results that I've had from listening to PLs are fantastic!!! I'll get a little personal here...

First I'm talking about myself which barely happened with people close to me let alone on a public fourm where my user name is my real name and email address etc. I believe that comes from a boost in self-esteem!!

If you were to rate success/maturity/responsibility on a scale of 1-10, when I was interduced to PLs I was at -10. Thats not being hard on myself its a real and honest apprisial. My life became very un-manageable to say the least. Now I'd say that I'm breaking even...that means the project is ME!!

I have a positive outlook on life!!
I can manage to get some things accomplished!!
I can talk to people in public!!
I've developed patience (although it doesnt come fast enough LOL)
I'm able to take an honest apprisial with myself!!
I don't beat myself up if changes don't happen RIGHT AWAY!!
My overall health has improved!!
My overall cleanliness has improved!!
I'm letting good people into my life!!
I'm allowing people to help me!!
Admitting when I'm wrong!!
I've developed the belief 'I can'!!
I don't have change the world I understand I can make it better only by getting better myself!!

I could probably go on and on but looking at this in black and white is pretty overwhelming in and of itself!!

At times when I post a question I feel almost desprate for an answer or a 'miracle cure' it seem like half the time I have to learn a lesson on my own and don't get the answer right away but it comes thru life directly after that!!

On that note I'm looking for an answer on how to find a 'dream/vision' in life...from looking at the lives of successful people I've come to learn that people do things they don't want to do in order to get done whats important to them. Now I understand that noone can give me my 'fire' in life but any recommendations on how to tap the resourses within in order to find it???

Thank you for posting this question...I hope it helped you. I'm truly grateful that you caused me to look at my own life over the last year and a half or so!!!

At least all of the positive stuff!!!