I'm about to start a Imersion-Protol for the next 21 days. I need support of you members if you do not mind. I am starting today 6-30-08 and going to end 7-21-08 with products I bought from Learning Strategies & Nightingale-Conant.I'm going to listen to programs most the waken day about 12 to 15 hours everyday for 21 days. If you do not (members any members) Post question ask me stuff like how long did you listen to today,what you learn today,are you hanging in there,ect. Push me basically or in join with me. Who is going to join in with me just chose a area of your life you want a breakthrough load up the MP3 or I-POD in pop on the headphones. I keep just one headphone in with the volume low, so I can still function at work and home.