About a month ago I got 4 paraliminal CD's from Nightingale Conant, one of which was with Jack Canfield (Law of attraction).

I tried this for the 4 week trial period and have to say it did nothing for me whatsoever. I am not a skeptical person I am very open to try all methods especially using the power of the subconscious.

I am going through a particularly bad time in my life, as I am facing bankruptcy for the first time. I am in regular employment which I absolutely hate and and want to work on my own using the power of internet affiliate marketing. I know I can do it, but just can't get started.

I need something to shake me out of the 'old me' and I thought that paraliminals would help me. Maybe self hypnosis, but then paraliminals are a form of hypnosis aren't they?

If anyone has any input I would grateful.
