Hey success,.... I can relate to your financial status... One thing that is helping me is journaling. When you really get down and out try it and pour your heart out. Somehow it balances the emotions and mind together. or at least I think so... It is freeing.

Also I am reading a book that is probably wrote for me at this time. It's the author that makes it because of the way he writes it. Anyhow here is a part of it...

"Thought creates everything. Thought is an energy, and once created can never be destroyed. A basic, unshakable law of physics states that energy, once created, can never be destroyed. Energy can be altered to a different kind of energy, but it can never be destroyed -- it always exists somewhere in some form. ........ A word to the wise: be very careful in what you allow yourself to think about. I think you can figure out why."

For some reason that idea really sunk in for me after reading this even though I've heard it a million times. Then the next part is to pay attention to what you are doing to yourself! I know I am not helping my cause much a part of the time with my negative thinking....

so anyhow, not sure if this is helpful but thought I would share for you or anyone or myself just for the sake of sharing...

scoots....... \:\)

ps... another obstacle for me is really being committed to what I want because I'm not a big wanter... Although I do know I want my financial issues to no longer be and am not alone in that desire.....