I’ve done the Silva Basic Lectures Series back in 1998 and repeated it a couple of times since. Furthermore I’ve done the Graduate seminar (twice), Supermind and the Ultra Seminar. You start with the Basic Lectures Series, the other seminars you can do as a graduate. I suppose you refer to the Basic Lectures Series (BLS) as the Ultra Seminar. I can strongly recommend you doing these seminars. There are so many techniques that you will learn, that at first it is just too much and you will only use what suits you at that moment. But no problem: once you’ve done the BLS once you can repeat it anywhere in the world with only a small reseating fee. I’ve done that a couple of times.
After having read the book by José Silva and Philip Miele, The Silva Mind Control Method, I knew that I would not have enough discipline to do it myself. I never used the Cd’s, I might like them, but the real thing is the best. BTW: the book by Silva and Miele I mentioned , is really the first one you should read. In the appendix (at least in the Dutch version) there is a schedule of what the four seminar days are like. What you can also do is contact a local Silva trainer to ask for a brochure. Surely you can find the address on the Silva web site.
The nice thing about actually doing the seminar is that your energy is usually much better to pick up these things in a group. You can also participate in cottage groups where you get together once in a while to discuss and practice Silva on a regular basis. There is also a discussion group on yahoo groups: silvamind.
One thing that I keep hearing again and again is that any change you feel or are aware of because of going to level is a sign that you are at level. You do not need any confirmation, you just know because you feel something in your body. I feel it in a couple of ways, but strangely enough always happens when I’m really at a deeper level is that I feel the left (not the right) side of my face relax and tingle.
Silva has become of way of life to me and I practice it nearly every day. The nice thing is also that is has so many similarities with PhotoReading, Genius Code and all the other great stuff that LSC has.

As we say with Silva: Better and better
