Hi Benny,

As you’re reading this you’ve already taken the Ultra Mind Seminar. I’ve done some asking with our Dutch SilvaMind instructor and here’s the story with the Silva Method and Silva Ultra Mind.
When José died apparently his nephew Alex started for himself in such a way that José never intended it. My instructor said it was all about money. That being said, I can only pass what I’ve been told, Alex of course is right you should do what feels right to you. I know Burt Goldman and now you know him too. He is a good one. Bear in mind however that the Ultra Mind seminar only takes two days whereas the BLS takes 4 days. Apparently with Ultra Mind they took the second part of the BLS and give that in a different kind of way. Again, I only know the BLS and some graduate seminars, and not any of the home study courses. Van you tell me what your experiences were? What did you do?
Even though I do not use all of the Silva techniques, I benefit from them on a daily basis as I told you. I go to level every day, preferably in the morning, at night and also after lunch. I started to appreciate the lunch meditation recently, because it keeps me from flying off to work immediately, thereby staying very relaxed and calm.
I use the laboratory with its counselors very much. The advice I get from them usually is great. They very often even tell me things I would much rather not hear. I have not used the dream programming technique until I attended the LSC Retreat this summer, where we also talked about lucid dreaming. I also use the programming technique to stay awake when I’m tired but still need to do some things. The three finger technique I use very often, mostly for small things like catching a train, with great results.
There are so many techniques that I sometimes even forget that I have them. I’ve done quite some graduate seminars (f.i. Supermind II with Burt Goldman). Writing this is a trigger to pick up more of those techniques again.
I hope I answered your question and I am curious what your experiences during the seminar were.

Better and better,
