What can I say. I felt it was amazing. Burt I feel is simply in a league of his own and his assistant is also great. The knowlge he has, and that he has instilled in me is priceless. I have already noticed chages in my life. It is helping become more relaxed, enjoy work more, and move faster towards my goal. Like you the 3 finger is great, and has failed on me yet. I just dont want to exploit my resources with the 3 finger. We did case healing in class, which was mind blowing. Burt even healed people in the class who had any problems which was also amazing.

Another thing what I am so excited about is a seminar Burt is giving next month that he has been developing for 15-20 years, and finally is teaching. Its called PDQ (Parrellel Dimension Quest). The premise of this course is that their are an infinate # of parrellel dimmesions. Anything your mind can imagine there is a dimession, that situation is taking place. For example in 1 dimesion you are the most famous singer in the world, and in another you are a homeless bum. What Burt teaches you to do at this seminar is travel to these parrell dimesions, and learn any skill your heart desires from "your-self" in a diffrent dimesion. He said from these techniques he got into the photography hall of fame which he is in, and learned to sing amazingly. He showed us both. I need to save up for this one, but I am considering me going to this seminar as good as proggramed.

Well all in all, it was amazing expirience. There was a handfull of BLS graduates their, and everybody agreed on how much they enjoyed the seminar.

Another thing that made this such a great expierience, was that I finally met some people with some of the same interests as me (as far as expanding the mind). I made a handful of friends, and even one guy that is a photoreader, and studies Spring Forest Qi Qoung.

Well thats about it, it was amazing, and I now know why Silva & Burt are looked at so highly. There where a few techniques that you mentioned that I am not 100% familiary with. So maybe we share what we know and learn from each other.
