DAY 13
The best way to increase "luck" is to expect lucky situation everyday.Each day look for good things to happen to you small and large,then at the end of the day before bed think back to the good things that happened. Each day you will notice more and more ,bigger and bigger good things happing.(I been doing this myselfe so I know it works)
If you want more friends be a friend.If you want more confidence raise other peoples confidence.
I have only been on My Immersoin-Protocol 14 days now and everybody can tell I am changing but they do not know what I am doing.I started early because I said I was going to start one certain day then a voice came in my head Great Acheivers do not wait to take action when they get a idea and they do it or write it down NOW. So take action if you have a area in your life you want a breakthough,Go right now get all the materials you need"book,tapes, ect",then Immerse yourself in your materials for 21 days Do it now,If you like to cook go to the Libary and check out every book you can find on cooking.You can make time do not give me that excuse, you can read while on the toilet,you can miss that T.V show,you can listen to a audio program in your car,you can miss that ball game,you can stay home instead of going out,better yet you can turn your card playing group into a Mastermind group. If you are not satified with a area in your go to the mirror look into your eyes, say this is all your fault what are you going to do about.When you write your goal down and take it seriously the Law of Attraction will bring the resources you need to you.(In it will I am telling you this from experience)