DAY 15
Be careful who you hang around.Now that I switched jobs I work to my fullest and try to push myself a little bit more everyday,I did not do that before because the more I worked the more breaks other people had to sit around in do nothing. Anyway I had to go back and help out for this week because the manager is on vaction I was amazed how swiftly I pushed throughthe job and how better I much better I felt,then it hit me just being around those negative,complaining,backstabbers was getting to even when I did not directly spend time around them,everybody thought just because I worked hard I was a sucker and now that I have no boss they look at me strange one even asked me why,I told her it go agaist my priciples. Through the opinion of one person everybody but one on the job had a grudge agaist now that I am out that situation everybody sees me differently it amazing how much influence one person has or one bad apple has, that apple is on the way out ,well I on the the way out the barrel I am just going to leave the rest to rott.I did not have this job delivered to me out of thin air or sit with my hands crossed on my knees I had to fight for it I basically quit and walked then the so called boss called me back then gave me the job.So sometime you have to use your faith grit your teeth and not know what is going to happen but trust your faith.