My results.
I developed alot of new habits as I did my immersion. I developed a better work habits, the habits I was struggling with I could never seem to break I broke them or developed new better habits,my problem was I was using to much will power what I did was focusing my imagination on my self-image without the habit,then the habit kept getting weaker and weaker.Instead of saying I am healthy and using my will power for better health I started using my imagination to see my body healthy and the inside of my body clean.My new breakthrough habit I formed is focusing on my ideal situtaion and events,about day 22 the inner se;f-destroying thoughts started coming to surface so I started replacing them.The great thing about my immersion was I listened to my CDs at least 10 hours throughout the week,instead of just listening I applied the principle I was hearing and learing I pushed myself I did not realize how much people had influenced me unconciously.I got into the habit of speaking to strangers everywhere I go I forced myself to write on the forum everyday. I made a habit of using my goals everyday.Everyday I do something even if it is one thing to move me closer to my goals. The right people are starting to be attracted me now and the negative ones are being moved further away.7 out of 10 times I would think of something for example "I want a biscuit" Somebody would come to me with the a biscuit the exact one I want,then ask me do I want it.I been finding or attracting more money oppertunities. If you have more questins just ask I will be more than happy to answer a specif question.I will be doing another update post on Jan 1 that will be the 6 month mark,because my new habits should be fully automatic then, I going to be pushing myself everyday or maintain my new patterns everyday,even now even though the habit is formed I still catch my trying to slip back.