Aloha Irethedo,

The sales material cited examples where people simply re-arranged furniture or removed certain items (like sinking ship pictures) and saw improvements... I guess that is what hooked me..

It can make a difference. It can take time though.

Maybe for this to work, I either need to be able to see the energy myself to identify problem areas, have Marie Diamond to come to my house or perhaps I could try to wait until the 9 months go by as someone mentioned that things happen in cycles of 9.. 9 days, 9 weeks, 9 months.. 9 years?

You don't need Marie to come to your house. The Silver course can make a difference. Moving furniture can make a difference - some cases more dramatic than others. Could there be other things affecting the house? Yes. That's why there is the other additions to take into consideration the other half of the facets and time feng shui.

It would be interesting to see the "doesn't feel right" furniture directions you've implemented.

In response to Lorac... Sorry, Not into the daily meditation thing- it ain't my cup of tea...

The tubes of light is to address improving your energy level, or as Master Chunyi would say "purifying your spirit." Feng Shui is only 1/3 of your the "luck" in your life, the others are Heavenly and human. The Tubes, Spring Forest Qigong, prayer, doing good things for others, etc. help shift the heavenly piece.

Ever notice how a person can declutter and then it shifts right back after a while? Some of that can be due to the space clearing that needs to happen in the home, the other can be the increased/purified energy level that needs to happen with the individual, and some of that can be on the human level in regards to organizing and processing skills at a skills or mental/psychological level.

That's why Marie talks about clearing, compassion, tenderness, forgiveness, Tubes of light, etc. in her course.

Look at what you want more of in your life and check that section of the course, and the appropriate activation card.

Much Love, Shawn