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Hi jacqueline,
I'm glad that you did what you had to do. feng shui is meant to be personalize to you. make changes if things don't work. I don't believe in the 9 week nonsense. if feng shui is done right then it shouldn't take that long to change the energy. couple weeks tops in my experience with doing feng shui for others. the benefits and results may take up to 9 weeks but the energy shift can be felt fairly quickly which lets you know it's working. I don't know why it took you so long to make the feng shui changes yourself if things were going downhill for over 6 months, especially if they were big disaster changes. if things get that noticeably bad in a couple months, i would double check my feng shui even if a master did it for me as we know energy changes monthly. that's the cool thing about feng shui. we can analyze future months energy since we know what stars will be where in the coming months. that's the only thing i don't like about diamond feng's created for lay person. she don't explain the stars or the formula behind it so that you can do your own feng shui for coming future. she does all the analysing for you and give you a chart on what to do. not to mention, monthly stars weren't covered except in her newsletter. Luckily i did my own study research further to understand the stars more and can now depend on my brain to create the stars on the fly instead of depending on pre-analyzed charts. it's useful to know the formula and reasoning behind feng shui. not everyone is going to go in depth to learn it but that's what real feng shui skill is about. to understand principle behind the system so one can personalize it to one self. it's not that hard to learn if you go to the right resource. it's good to compare different masters as that will help you learn more from different perspective.

even if marie is a master it still good to question and do things your way as that is what personalization means. your the one living there not her. she had copper wire sticks in your finance area? that don't make sense as sticks isn't good as it represent stabbing and making holes in that part of your life. i'm thinking in terms of classical feng shui. maybe it was the color that was chosen that made her suggest it, who knows? shapes are a big factor to feng shui. remember, it's not about object placements in real classical feng shui. it's about balance of energy using five elements principles. I learned this after studying the formula and principles behind the flying star. feng shui is 33% of life so it's powerful. Also, not all masters have 100% positive rate in their feng shui. no on-going support don't help either. need that to get feedback and make changes. just remember. masters are just title/labels. it don't mean they are master in this day and age. titles are all marketing purpose nowadays. who declare they are master? they are just another person having issues in their lives like me and you. when i shop to learn things from people, don't matter what field, i throw the labels away and question them (look at their background, their integrity, their intent/purpose, character, credibility, etc...) to see if they really know their stuff. if they are more expertise than me, then i can learn something but no way am i going to be gullible and bow to them like a guru or fall for the authority label following blindly. i call it being a smart customer in my opinion.

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Aloha sillypup,

I'm glad you are looking at what's out there and chiming in on this post.

The copper rods were no doubt dowsing cures to alleviate geopathic stress, Hartmann lines, or other issues you'll not find addressed in most Feng Shui systems. The fact that it was placed in her "financial" sector," doesn't mean it's intention was regarding that, rather, it may have just been where that energy line/disturbance come into the house or room. Going to a "poking" metaphor is creative, but a stretch non the less without seeing or feeling what was done and the difference that was created at that energetic level.

The Diamond Feng Shui course was not created as a comprehensive syllabus of Marie's system, but one that incorporates Personal, Space, Landscape and Time Feng Shui in a way that people who can get good results and don't want get into the technical aspect and to do all the calculations and interpretations themselves.

It provides free call-in coaching for the students, as well as consultation vouchers for more personal adjustments regarding their home's issues.

Those who want more depth or technical understanding can do so in her hexagram, dowsing or advance classes.

There are many systems out there, and I would agree to spend time within a system and dig deep until you understand its source and depth. Work with it on a practical level -seeing what seems to work well and fine-tune those that don't, asking questions of the instructor along the way. In this way you can get the feedback and understanding, rather than interpreting pieces here and there from a web page, book, or miscellaneous class (too many Babba's can spoil the soup-or keep you in your head with thoughts and theories, rather than doing the work). If the teacher/coach doesn't resonate or make the difference for you when you put in the time, then it's time to reassess with them, or it may be time for a new coach.

Follow-up time with a master you've flown in can be a challenge. If she's got the Diamond or Gold edition of the course, one of the consultants here could look over the situation with her and tweak it as needed.

Much Love, Shawn

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I agree with you Shawn in your post.
As for the rods issue. it was posted base on feng shui so from that perspective it don't make sense using those rod as cures. from dowsing perspective, it would probably make sense though. that's what happen when a discussion mix different systems. confusion arise. we don't know if jacqeline consult with marie for feng shui only or included dowsing or how their work relationship was. my response was feng shui perspective since this is diamond feng for her experience, the dowsing rod cure seem to conflict with feng shui base on what she post.

according to the marketing. diamond feng shui is comprehensive. now your saying it's not? hmmm. marketing hype i guess. it's easy to learn the reasoning formula behind the cures. not that hard. don't make it sound difficult or that it's advance. people are smart. they got brains. you've just tell me the course was dumb down for people. another excuse is that explanation wasn't considered so they rely on the teacher or course. such is with consultation in feng shui. many tell customer what they need to do but don't explain why being afraid losing customer repeats if they explain the how/why of feng shui cure. that's often the case. they don't teach you the how to because they don't want you to learn the skill. they just give you list and charts instead.

i think the reasoning was just left out of the course so people rely on the manual cure list/chart. all the needed background was explained in the course. how hard is it to let people know the elements of the star and to activate it or deactivate it, one just have to use 5 element theory on the star's element to make it stronger or weaker. even the element characteristic was in the 9 direction chart which help categorize potential cure for more flexibility. this core foundation was not made pointed out on purpose so people depend on the list making the manual more valueable. this 'how to' cure explanation is the core foundational essence of application of flying star. it's not advance. one other thing that wasn't explained was the use of yin and yang to turn on or off the energy. yin environment is quiet and yang is lively. so making those environment such will activate or deactivate the star. sometimes object placement cure isn't needed. one just need to hang out there to absorb the good energy. understanding the 5 elements theory application is all that is needed for flexible usage of cure, however, the manual is set up in a way that make one think that objects are how one cure bad energy star or activate good star. look at the 9 direction chart and you can see that there are symbols, shapes, etc.. that can be use to enhance an area. all the cure that was suggested are base on the element they represent. how hard is to explain that? I'm sure this will all be explain in her advance course seminar.

somehow when a system get translated to a different market audience in america it gets dumb down and stretch out. lots of master do this in other field as well. maybe marie's teacher do the same thing calling a beginning info advance but in actuality they are basic beginning according to the culture's standard. of course this is america so one can expect that to happen in the name of making more profits.

I have all 3 levels of diamond feng shui and they are great except for the deletion of some core foundation information to make level 3 more flexible in application. of course level 1 and 2 were more comprehensive. I recommend her home study courses, just not level 3 if you want thorough flying star explanations. it's good if you want to just follow charts and be told what to do without knowing reason behind it. for me. i don't like information being held back especially if it's the core basics. knowing the system is what makes one understand the system, allow flexibility and have better accuracy rate of successful application. can't apply feng shui as a "skill" if you don't know the system. i'm not good with following a guru, another term for master, in blind faith. i'm glad i'm the type of person that learn from more than one teacher/person/coach so that i can go deep to it's essence. her diamond facets in level 1 and 2 is unique to her but flying star is not. too bad she left out core information i posted above as that would make the system more complete in actually teaching feng shui "skills" rather than following charts. so there you have it. my opinion about the course. do check her course out. there is some usefulness in it. don't take my word for it.

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Hi Coral, and hi Jacqueline,

I'm very sorry to hear of your bad experiences with Diamond Feng-Shui, and hope things get better for Coral. (I'm taking it as a warning not to get too involved with DFS, as I've already had a number of misgivings -- its expense not the least, followed by reading it -- and about other "compass" systems whose biggest failing, it seems to me, is unwarranted complexity. And as it's said that you get what you focus on, then "disaster stars" is something I definitely don't want to know anything about.)

Having studied Feng-Shui since 1976, I became increasingly puzzled by how claims could be made for such a variety of different schools (land, compass etc) and systems, that they all "worked". And came eventually to what seemed to me be the only possible explanation: that the role of intentionality and symbolic action (in effecting "cures" according to each system) must be FAR greater than seemed to be acknowledged in any of them. Most of them, on the contrary, tend to make assertions that this or that "is" so, and that's that -- as though many alternative systems didn't even exist.

However Lilian Too (whatever one might think of her) stresses the importance of intentionality, and so does Marie Diamond. But it's relatively underplayed in all of the other 30-plus books I've collected over the years on feng-shui: and whose principles I've applied in detail to analysing plans, if not to "treat" actual properties. I have to confess that sheer confusion between all the alternatives, and which to follow, has prevented me from ever having done very much, in practice, about any of them.

Even so, for what it's worth, I think that the role of intentionality in implementing feng-shui analyses and cures might hold the key to at least some of the problems experienced by each of you, as an apparent result of Diamond feng-shui "cures". To put this into some kind of perspective: the "land" school of feng-shui has been around for thousands of years, the "compass" schools are more recent -- and only very recently pushed in a big-time commercial way by a few strong personalities having developed their own personal versions. So why do different versions of feng-shui "work" (or not) when they do?

I don't know if either of you subscribes to the idea of a universal "information" sphere: the ancient Sanskrit Akasa, which could be loosely equated with Jung's "collective unconscious" as a repository of cultural patterns and beliefs. The biologist Rupert Sheldrake taps into something like this with his theory of "morphogenesis": that pre-existing patterns in some etheric realm actually guide the development of organisms from single undifferentiated cells into a variety of specialised cells performing unique functions in highly complex structures. And he cites evidence that once a new chemical reaction has taken place, very slowly, for the first time (eg long-chain polymers), every subsequent reaction is progressively much faster: as though aided by some universal "memory" of accumulated previous reactions.

In the same way, it's possible to conceive of a number of dissimilar feng-shui traditions, each with dedicated adherents performing the same intention-laden symbolic actions based on the same analyses, being supported by the invisible "memory" realm in producing the "same" results -- usually. But given that every house and its contents and every occupant is different, there is no comparable "sameness" in applying collections of "cures", especially drawn from recent, idiosyncratic development of a tradition by a strong individual. And especially without supportive follow-up. An even bigger problem is in trying to mix traditions.

You don't say, Coral, what you did as a result of studying the Essentials course (which I was too put off by to use at all!).

"Starting in March" (I notice, 9-plus weeks after starting the Essentials course in December) "we have experienced a series of things going wrong, from my father died, our tenant left, the house was flooded with a broken pipe, unit still not rented, twice my credit card was stolen, and three times my ATM card was lost or stolen, etc. etc. It just seems that just as things seem to be starting to be Ok something else bad happens. I'm trying to focus on the good, like new linoleum paid for by the insurance company, but yesterday I assessed the overall financial loss and it was 40% of our savings gone.


Did you make changes gradually, and observe the effects, or make many changes all at once? Can you relate any of the things that went wrong, to any of the changes you made? Eg did things "go wrong" in areas you HAD changed, or HADN'T changed -- or a mixture? And what were the pre-existing conditions? Was your father already ill, or did he die suddenly? Was your tenant already planning to leave, but perhaps hadn't let you know it? In what way was the pipe "broken" that flooded your house -- an old fracture, poorly mended, or a sudden new one? (Also, floods often correlate with emotional overload: it sounds like you were already experiencing this.) "Unit still not rented" -- I don't know what this refers to, but the credit crunch and big changes in property and rental markets might have something to do with it. Credit card twice stolen and ATM card three times lost / stolen sounds very alarming: something about breach of boundaries there. But / and also, card thefts and fraud are booming. (For the first time ever, my own bank card was stolen six weeks ago and my account cleaned out just when, for the first time in many years, I even had any savings to steal!).

I'm asking a lot of questions because it would be the obvious conclusion to jump to that all these things happened "because" of feng-shui changes. It might be just as possible that the changes had little or no effect, one way or another, as that they caused all your problems. How would you rate the degree (then) of your belief in feng-shui in general, and in Marie Diamond's version in particular, or the strength of intention you put into the changes? Were you convinced at the time that you were doing the right things, or did you have any doubts? Doubts alone can undo the efficacy of otherwise impeccable action. And as all these things have already happened, it's worth trying to take an impartial view. Regardless, I do hope things get better for you.

And for Jacqueline, it seems the most likely explanation for your assorted disasters might be a conflict of strong wills, beliefs and intentions: not that Marie Diamond's stuff might not have worked for someone else with no previous history of having used feng-shui at all, let alone so successfully as you had. At least your final success story is about going back to what you already knew works, and finding it still does! Great. And despite the resulting pains of having hoped Marie could do it better, I hope that's a corresponding boost to your confidence in your own abilities.

"I have heard Marie Diamond does have true gift, but also many issues which complicate things." Perhaps she's chosen complexity for herself to make things more interesting, instead of "too easy" -- as it sounds as though she does have a true gift. But I also have reason to believe that seeing and sensing energy is also learnable and teachable, and certainly more valuable (in being more direct) than yards of formulaic stuff which is really usable only if you intend to make a living out of it. Speaking as a former addict of such complexity, finally disenchanted at its basic fatalism, life is too short.

So two of my favourite books, that do teach how sense energy, are Denise Linn's "Feng shui for the soul" and her "Sacred space".

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To SillyPup I think after some time I had just forgotten about what Marie had done, and, I think I needed to take a break from feng shui, in the back of mind been scared things could go from bad to worse if I took out the rods etc. Like Shaun said they were dowsing cures.

To Gabriela I appreciate your letter, but not sure why you say " a conflict of strong wills, beliefs and intentions" played a part if you nothing about the details of the situation.

I was still a big fan and believer after all the difficulties. Sometimes when you have so much going on it can be difficult to follow through with every client and I understand. I don't know why it was so difficult or why their was so much confusion. But I am not a demanding customer, yet I'm not a pushover either. I like her, I felt comfortable with her in my home. She apologized profusely, and we moved on. When I started to hear other people had the same situations, the way things were done, etc. I was a little disappointed, but never thought that would effect the art or talent of her work. She made predictions for me that never remotely came true. Unfortunately it just did not work. Period.

I believe in the Law of Attraction, I practice it with my church, my group meetings, my studies and all that I do. As I'm looking around in life, I am finding many people who have a great life with or without feng shui. That subtle intention in our hearts can be the strongest magnet in the Universe. It is that infinite power of the Universe that created feng shui.

If what you are suggesting that our relationship to each other could undo and actually reverse the entire process of her expertise, then it would be just as true that I should have flown her out for coffee to create amazing results and not even discussed my home. I just don't know what else to say. But it wasn't my fault that it did not work.

I was trying to give Coral a boost of confidence to not be afraid to undo what she did, just in case that had something to do with it, because I waited so long. I didn't want her to wait any longer if she didn't have to. Maybe she can go back to it piece by piece and it will work, but at the time, she was having difficulties. I don't even think she's reading these anymore. All you can think is that the feng shui is the best so it must be right, what am I doing wrong? That's just not true.

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since you now mention that it's dowsing cures with those rods, things are now clear. it wouldn't make sense with feng shui cures. i was replying base on feng shui since the topic was feng shui and no mention of dowsing in your post.
I don't know much about dowsing yet, so i have no opinion on that until i learn more about it which i'm learning about right this moment. I do have experience with pendulum dowsing but i'm learning about L rod dowsing right now. It's all fun stuff. People should check it out if they have interest in the energy field or metaphysics. All i know is that different system sometimes conflict another. in your example, it seems that the dowsing cure conflicted with your feng shui. maybe ask the dowsing rod if it conflict with the feng shui set up? or maybe it could of been construction in bad annual direction/hanging out in bad combination of monthly and yearly star or your destiny chart ( bazhi or 4 pillars of destiny) of bad luck during those times of hardship which is one of the 33% influence? whatever it was that made things difficult. i am glad your back into prosperous road.

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Thanks sillypup, I never thought of the dowsing rods conflicting. That's very interesting...I wish I had thought of that. What I did was take down the fountain and mirror because it didn't look right and it felt awkward when she put it up. I first took the mirror down and then put a smaller one, then took down both the mirror and fountain and noticed a big improvement right away! Then one day I remembered the dowsing rods so I took them out too. Everything got incredibly better after that! Things have slowed down, but surprisingly everything is working out pretty well.

My love life is not. Period. But, since I put a Quan Yin and a buddha there, I've got plenty of offers. I do need to plug in my new sound system (seems fitting) but I'm okay right now being single. I have 3 glass shelves there and the building is missing a piece. ;-(

I am working on Law of Attraction, instead of feng shui to get me through. There is nothing I can do about the building shape.

I wish I knew more of what you were referring too sillypup. I don't have dowsing rods, Marie brought them here with her. I've never done it myself. Thanks for the good positive thoughts. I will look into your suggestions.

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