Please talk to your doctor about the side effects. There may be alternatives to the medications you are taking, or a change in dose or dosing schedule that could make a difference.

Diet-learn what you can do to improve, such as eating fish, especialy salmon, at least once per week.

The paraliminal is great- I hear your anxiety about whether it is working. Instead, listen to it and then wonder what effects you will notice that day.... you will see things that perhaps you were not expecting, or when you were expecting, because by just being curious, you remove expectation and anxiety and let your unconscious mind work for you.

Another *very powerful* thing you can do, is every time you DO remember something, even small things like where you put your keys or buying milk while you are out, THANK YOUR UNCONSOIUS MIND. the more gratitude you give yourself for remembering, the more remembering you will do.

All the best
