Hi Dave,

I am new to Paraliminals also, but I do find them very helpful. The reason I heard of them was because there is Holocync technology in them and I have been meditating while listening to Holosync CDs for almost one year now. I find it fascinating and truly a life changing experience.

I do believe that you need to focus on the depression issue and let the memory be a side effect to it. You say that you have depression. I don't think any of us has depression, I believe that we all make depression, but because we make it very unconsciously, it feels as if we have it and there is nothing we can do about it.

The reason why I mentioned Holosync is because it makes mediation very easy and also it intensifies the witnessing state in all of us. By increasing the witnessing state we watch with curiosity how we make things. Once we become aware of what we make, what we don't want falls off because we wouldn't want to make anything undesirable consciously, we make them unconsciously. Please do your own research on Holosync in this link, http://www.centerpointe.com/

I hope you find it useful. All this combined with Paraliminals is a method that will only give you wonderful results.

Best of luck to you.