Interesting that this is the first thread I chose to explore. I think I shall pontificate a bit and hopefully help out a little.
We are all on a quest of one sort or another, financially, emotionally, spiritually... actually they are all connected
Life never hands you anything you are not capable of dealing with. Most times the dealing involves a lesson to be learned in order to become closer to your own divinity, your own expression of Truth. Most people make the error of always reaching, always asking, always seeking, without ever taking a moment to simply stop and listen. When you ask the question, the answer is there, but you have to learn to listen for it. It's quiet, see, and it doesn't shout above the louder voices vying for your attention. When you ask the questions, you are essentially reaching "upward" to your personal "source" for answers. When you stretch "upward", grasp what you see "up there" and bring it back, integrate IT into your life, your body, your mind. Usually feeling like no one loves you is a sign that you are not simply accepting Love as an energy unto itself. As soon as you accept Love, it will start to fill you and you will exchange love with all things. Damn I sound like a quack right now. ;\)
In relationships, cast your lines out, you'll get a bite. Then take a look at what has bitten, make sure you get something nutritious and not a shark or predator that is going to consume you. There's the tuffy.