Paul! I hope you don't mind but I'm going to post this in the lonliness thread at the PL forum. It is right in sync with that...
Anyhow, you are definatly right about being in the space of beingness that is love and that is what really fills you up. today I had that kind of day and as long as I keep my spiritual energies up that is what I"m used to. You really don't need anything else. Anyhow I think that is why I have enjoyed a solitary life... even though I was bent out of shape when I posted that... So thanks for the reminder to just "be"....

Unique, I think you need to quit that job. Let it go and surrender to the universe and forgive them and also yourself. Or if you prefer, really go within and ask spirit what to do! Got it?

cheers~ scoots* \:\)