I've just purchased spring forest qigong and have been doing the exercises for 2 weeks, nearly every day. in the first exercise, beginning of universe, chunyi lin states that the knees should be bent and if you want to loose weight slightly more bent. Are the knees bent in all exercises?

Good for you! QiGong is one of the most powerful things you can do in your life. Make sure that power is used for positive ends and the Universe will shine it's limitless love upon you.

-2After I do these exercises I have a strong body odour, is this a good sign that I am releasing toxins. I am under medication so I have alot of stuff to eliminate.

That's most likely the case. When I first started the same thing happened to me. Over time, it will become less as the toxins are expelled from your body.

-3After I've practised I get a strong craving for sugar and especially alcohol. I don't usually drink other than the odd glass of wine.

Just love those thoughts and let them be. The cravings will decrease. For me, I have very strong sexual desire after practicing, after a few minutes they decrease.

-4My favourite exercise is "harmony of the universe" instead 2 which I resist are "joining of ying and yang", and "seven steps". Any suggestions to overcome this resistance.

Just work through it. Some excersises are less favorable than others to some people. Maybe that's a sign that THAT is the most helpful excersise for you to do and your subconcious is resisting somewhere. My advice is to just do it with love and kindness in your heart. You will resist the excersise less and it will become far easier and also more flowing.

-5 Many tears flow when I d spring forest, what is this a sign of?, I realise these are many questions and I thank you for your time in reading.
regards Donia

I'll let someone more experienced answer this more elaborately.
However, Chunyi says in the audio sessions of Level1 on how crying can be of the Universe. ...or maybe it's just some blockage in your eyes being washed away.
