A very interesting and informative book by Jill Bolte Taylor published earier this year will provide many of you with answers to questions about the brain , strokes, oneness, and a host of other topics.

Jill suffered a stroke in 1996 which affected the left hemisphere of her brain. As she was conscious during the 4 hours of the stroke she was able to observe the deterioration of her left brain and the euphoric sense of oneness which gave her peace and silence from the right hemisphere.
In her book MY STROKE OF INSIGHT she charts the stroke and her recovery which took 8 years, and gives us some incredible and valuable insights such as -

how to stop mind chatter - all from the left brain

know that all emotions take less than 90 seconds to run through your body, if you continue to feel the emotion it is only because you choose to!

and a host of other things which will make you think.

You can view Jill on You Tube and Oprah.

I found this book invaluable and those with a scientific approach will be blown away with her discoveries.