I honestly don't think Qigong is going to help you with this. If you can, think about getting an electronic air purifier.

I can recommend the products sold here:


with complete confidence.

We have one in a small clothing store. The store is located in the center of a building and so has no outside windows. There's only one door and the place fills up with lint like you can't believe. We got the product displayed on the page I linked to and it works like a charm.

I also got this unit:


for my father and it works pretty well. Finally, we placed one of these:


for a larger space and it also does a terrific job.

They're not cheap, but I consider it some of the best money I've ever spent. You can find cheaper ones on the market but they all use filters that need to be replaced or screens that have to be cleaned. The filters end up costing more than the original unit after a year or two, and the screens are a major PITA to clean.