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I like the berry pies best. Particularly, Strawberry-Rhubarb. I had a S-R pie once that had custard underneath the berry filling.


I know some folks like the cream pies - Boston Cream, meringue, Mile-High Pie, pumpkin and so forth. But to me, that's just pudding with a crust.

And, at the risk of offending any Southerners here, I can't tolerate Pecan Pie - WAYYY too sweet for me. And I'm not a big fan of mincemeat pie either. Same reason. Too sweet.

One of my favorites is apple pie with a big chunk of cheddar cheese on the side!

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I agree with the comment of the multi-pronged approach.

I do not have SFQ, but own almost all Paraliminals, PR, Sonic, etc.

In my view not all techniques, no matter how good, give instant success, as the cause of the illness is probably treated better with other modalities in order to start improving.

I fully suscribe to the balanced lifestyle suggestion. On the other side, when I had problems of emotional nature, I took L-theanine, a natural product from green tea. It did help. Now I have found the schizandra, a Chinese herb, has helped me more. For emotional problems, I suggest to abstain completely from alcohol, which is a mood-enhancer drink.

Over 30 years ago when I got into natural therapies, I learnt that self-empowerment is essential. In simple terms, you need to learn how to heal yourself. The doctor, therapist, etc is no more than an advisor. He/she may succeed in helping you, but this may not be the case. You need to start learning a bit from books, the web, etc what to do to recover your health and keep improving it. If you are stuck with one technique, look for another one to get you moving again. If SFQ is too gentle, you may consider using one of the emotional free techniques to get you over the hump!

Good luck!

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I appreciate the stories some of you shared about your experience using SFQ to deal with anxiety and depression. These are encouraging.
When I do small universe I don't feel anything happening. I have a hard time visualizing the energy moving. Do some of you reach a point where you can feel something beneficial when you do small universe?

"What has worked for me in addition to regular SSFQ is exercise. Yes, exercise. For most people that is out of the question...."
I love exercise and do it regularly, but it doesn't seem to have a big impact on the anxiety and depression.

"I would like to echo the idea about serving others. This is also big. Forget yourself and help others who need assistance. I know that our ego plays a role in our depression and anxiety. We become fixated on ourselves too much. Try to reach out to others..."
Like exercise, service is commonly recommended as an antidote to depression, and it's something I do. I spend about 20 hours in an average week doing heartfelt volunteer work for a family struggling with cancer. It has been frustrating at times to read and re-read much of the standard advice for getting out of depression. I want to say, well that's good advice and it's a good way to live, but for me it doesn't change the anxiety/depression.
I appreciate you sharing that in any case. It's good to know that some people experience these things as helpful for anxiety/depression.

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I can relate to getting advice when things do not seem to be helping. And taking nothing away from the other advice here, I know at least for me, I need to focus. And since this is an SFQ forum and an SFQ question, I will do just that: focus on SFQ.

As others have said (and I echo), you cannot gauge your success with SFQ based on that study. First of all, though the study was good, the sampling was not that large. I only say this, to again, reiterate what others have said: everyone is different.

I have no doubt that some people will be helped from regular SFQ practice in 3 months. But I would be willing to bet that some have been helped in 3 weeks or even 3 days and notice it. Others, may take 6 months or a year or longer. It depends on the blockages, where they are, what brought them about in the first place, how deep or deeply ingrained they are etc. And sometimes, for some people, they are making improvement, but they are not that sensitive to energy yet, so they are not yet aware of what is happening.

So for some people, 3 months is a very long time, others, based on how long the energy blockage has been there, it is only a short time. It really depends on the person. I had some wonderful results with SFQ right away, on many health issues. But I have been practicing Tai Chi and other forms of qigong for years.

However, the migraines and hiatal hernia took longer to heal. And they did! I no longer take migraine medication nor suffer from them. Even when I have one of the precursors to migraines or I start to feel one, I can change the energy using SFQ and walla! No migraines! That took much longer than 3 months for me.

I too have some anxiety and depression issues as part of my mental health profile. All I can tell you is that SFQ has helped me. So far, the problem is not totally gone, but I can feel the moving of the energy and feel better most days now, when I practice and afterwards. My life has improved and my threshold increased--meaning I remain more calm and centered, even in the midst of my pain. The change is so pronounced, that there is no comparison to my "before" and "after" SFQ. And that too took some time and some long practice. Sometimes, I had to do some longer sessions here and there to really "jump-start" the process. So, I would do a longer session from time to time as a big "booster" shot. And this works also.

Also, since this is message healing, information healing, signal healing, as well as energy healing and spiritual healing, the messages we give ourselves matters a lot too. This is a concept that sometimes takes some getting used to.

But like all of the blockages that we have, its all energy! So we must be relentless in giving ourselves a positive message. I am not discouraging you from coming here for support and with questions. That is good and helpful for all of us.

And, you need to keep telling yourself the message (or some variation thereof) (especially at the beginning of the practice, both of Small Universe and Active Exercise), "All my blockages are gone, all my channels are open, all my anxiety and depression is gone, I feel good, I am completely healed!"

THis relates to your question about the Small Universe also (SU): there is no one perfect way to do this, nor a bad way. It is only "good, better, best". If you cannot yet feel the energy nor visualize anything, it's okay. If you are a visual person, just pick a color or a bright light--or have a color or colored light or something to look at first--and then just imagine the light going from place to place. Master Lin uses the image of a hot coal going from energy center to energy center and each time he breathes in it glows brighter. But you can use any image of light or color that you want.

But if you are not a visual person or cannot yet visualize it, pretend you are! Just tell yourself before you begin, "I can see/feel/hear (or whatever) the energy as it goes from place to place in the SU". It might feel like a "lie" at first, but that message is not as good as just saying it to yourself and pretending to believe it.

I know that many of us experience a dissonance between so-called "reality" and what we tell ourselves, especially as we begin this new world of SFQ (and 3 months or even one year or even the 3 years I have been doing, is still beginning for most of us, and maybe even all of us). It can sometimes feel "wrong" to be feeling our pain or whatever and telling ourselves, "completely healed". Yet, it is so much an important part of SFQ. The message is AS important as the movements, breathing and sound.

So just tell yourself it is happening and then just listen to the sounds of the meditation and do the best you can. I too have had resistance or a feeling of "is this happening?" at first and even sometimes still. So, I basically just would think of that part of the body when it came around. I would begin with lower tan tien and just think of it and then let it go. Then I would think of the bladder and let it go. And then just think of the bottom of the torso and let it go, etc. When you think of your big left toe, energy is going there whether you feel it, see it, hear it or are aware of it in any way. That is just a fact. If you wiggle it, it is obvious, but even if you don't your mind sends a signal to that part of the body. This is scientific fact and not exclusive to qigong.

What is an important part of qigong, is that this principle can work with the movements, sounds, postures, breathing to help us heal, SO if you just think of the part and let the recording play, it is in fact moving! You may not yet feel it, but it is happening.

And if you lose track or find you can not focus, just start from where ever you are or want to be and keep going. Even if you just sit and listen to the sounds, it will have some good effect. It is just better, if you stay with it and do some inner work while the sound is going. You can just imagine the sound is in that part of the body and then move it to the next. Or again, you can just "pretend" to yourself that it is happening. And then let it go and just sit.

As you do this every day for months and months and hours and hours WITH a positive message ("all my anxiety/depression gone. I feel so good"), it like breaking up the ice in a ice-encrusted freezer that you are trying to defrost (or the ice on a car windshield): piece of the ice melt, others break off, sometimes the bigger pieces take more time, but they will give way.

The questions are good. AND tell yourself "this is working". I think for some of us (and I am not saying you, this is just a generalization), there is, I don't know what, a fear? A doubt? Not sure, but something that tells us, "Well, wait a minute! If I deceive myself and then it works, that is not right!" Or "this cannot be working. It does not make sense" Or "it does make sense, but it seems like too far for me to go" Etc etc etc. Sometimes we are aware of these messages and sometimes not.

Either way, whether we no it or not, we still have to tell ourselves the healing message, even if we do not believe it (yet!).

But this is not "deception". It is just changing the message to add a little more "heat" to the process of defrosting the ice. The movements are one source, the breathing is another, the sounds are another and the MESSAGE that we give ourselves is another and in some ways, the most important.

The message also needs to be one of love, kindness and forgiveness. It needs to be with compassion, and starting with ourselves. We need to be kind and forgive ourselves all along the way.

This not only will work, it IS working right now. And if you keep up the good work and consistent practice that you are already doing (and you really are. Many beginners do not do as much as you are doing), along with these healing messages, it will work even better and faster.

You are healing. Now. Is is happening now.

Thank you for helping us learn this and for giving us the opportunity to help you heal yourself.

I look forward to sharing progress with you


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Great advice uniquesoul, thank you.

There is a lot of advice here that could work for many people and some that might not be as effective as others.

I think that helping a family with a cancer struggle would make me more depressed than better, but that's just me. Having gone through that already with my wife. That struggle is the source of my anxiety.

I recently saw a short video about beginning yoga describing the benefit of continued practice. It gave the example of a glass filled with water. Then it showed a dropper filled with blue ink dropping a single drop of the ink into the glass, no difference in the color of the water. Then it showed what the glass looked like after a week and then a month and then a year. By that time the water was pretty blue.
This shows how in our early effort we don't or hardly see any changes, then after a short while we begin to see a slight change then after we a see real changes etc.. This example can be used for almost anything, like qigong.

My advice for those who begin qigong, yoga, exercise whatever it is, that it's not a means to an end, it is now a part of your daily life forever.


Last edited by JeffreyC; 11/20/08 04:45 PM.

Without desire there is tranquility. And in this way all things would be at peace. -Lao Tzu
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Nice, Jeff! I like that a lot. Helps me!

There is a great story, a true story, in the biography of Joseph L. Greenstein, aka "The Mighty Atom", a vaudville strongman who through mystical meditation (Kabbalah--he was an orthodox Jew), a kind of Japanese qigong he learned in a juijitsu school in Japan (he was still on a wrestling circuit in these early days in the 1910's), and breathing and mind discipline practices he learned as a young man, became almost a superhuman. He could literally bend steel with his bare hands and bite chains and nails and break them with his teeth! His hair could not be cut with regular scissors. THe book was written by the writer/producer Ed Spielman (he produced and wrote the TV show KUNG FU, among others. The book is unfortunately out of print and goes for big books from booksellers. Great, inspiring book though!).

He was born a premature baby in the 1890's. The doctors told his parents that he would die soon. He did survive, but only as a very sickly child and in his teens, it was clear that he would not live much longer. His father died from the same genetic asthma condition in his 30's.

He met a a circus wrestler, Champion Volanko, who took him under his wing and began to train him.

The first day, he made him get up before dawn, in the cold of a Russian winter, in the snow and began to teach him how to "breathe". How to really use breathing to strengthen his entire system. VOlanko himself was told that he would die as a child, but learned breathing and the power of the mind and became a kind of "superhuman".

Little Joseph could barely get the breath in his lungs, but finally he did a few of the breaths "correctly", expanding his arms as he inhaled and bringing them together as he exhaled (what does that sound like? ;\) ) filling his lungs with air and his body with energy.

Volanko said, "Good!"

Little Joseph (he was called the Mighty Atom, because he was 5 feet tall), asked, "How long do I have to do this?"

Volanko answered:

"For the rest of your life, little one."

Well, he did do this for the rest of his life. Among other qigong practices (although he did not call them that). He lived to be in his 80's, still bending steel bars on his chest, breaking iron horseshoes with his bare hands and biting chains with his teeth in the 1970's when Ed Spielman saw him at a martial arts exhibition in Madison Square Garden in NYC and then was inspired to write his life story. His disciple Larry "Slim the Hammer Man" Farman, is still alive living in Pennsylvania, still doing leverage lifting of 25 and 30lb hammers and axes over his head by the ends of the handles in his 70's.

So, Jeff is right. This is not about 3 months or 3 years. This is about the rest of our lives. However,I am sure it is helping you heal and it will help more. Just keep adding the little drops of blue ink. \:\) And at a certain point, you will find that you will indeed feel better and want to help others with this wonderful treasure.

Thanks, Jeff.

 Originally Posted By: JeffreyC

I recently saw a short video about beginning yoga describing the benefit of continued practice. It gave the example of a glass filled with water. Then it showed a dropper filled with blue ink dropping a single drop of the ink into the glass, no difference in the color of the water. Then it showed what the glass looked like after a week and then a month and then a year. By that time the water was pretty blue.
This shows how in our early effort we don't or hardly see any changes, then after a short while we begin to see a slight change then after we a see real changes etc.. This example can be used for almost anything, like qigong.

My advice for those who begin qigong, yoga, exercise whatever it is, that it's not a means to an end, it is now a part of your daily life forever.


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I appreciate the thoughts and ideas, and the forthrightness of those who've shared about their own experience and the time it has taken to see improvments.
How do you know when it is time to drop something that does not seem to be working and may actually not be working and move on? Not every purported healing modality is going to be effective or worthwhile. Life is short and precious. It seems that to stay with something that is not effective for years would be a waste of precious time.

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This is a great question. Unfortunately, I am not sure I have as great an answer! ;\)

First of all, it is kind of a "use the Force, Luke!", type of situation. You have to eventually trust your own intuition and your Master's energy. I would ask the Universe at some point before a meditation and see what comes up.

I think that years with no results would be VERY surprising with SFQ, if done diligently. Even a year would shock me. I would say about 300 hours or 6 months with no desired results or good effects might be a litmus test for some people.

Again, although the question is good here, in your own mind, life, words energy, focus not on "what if it does't work?" But rather, on "wow, is so cool that it is working!". Just be open to change and subtle shifts in the energy.\

Depending on someone's problem, they might need more medicine. I know there are different dosages for different body weight, types, intensity of problems etc. For me, when I had a lot of pain, I did even more SFQ. Sometimes for my migraines I would do 4-6 hour days of SFQ at least once a week. It all depends on what one is willing to do and how much time one can afford (but this same energy rule applies to money, insurance, drugs, surgery, acupuncture etc). BTW, sometimes qigong and acupuncture together can be a very powerful combination, especially when it comes to yin/yang imbalances such as depression, bi-polar, anxiety etc. I know it helped me.

ANd to echo other responses, there might be other changes and healing happening before the "desired" goal. Pay attention to ALL things in your body. Not just whatever "the problem" is. If you begin to enjoy your SFQ practice, then your answer might be, "Oh, I would do about 50-100 years and then if no improvement, stop! " ;\)


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What has helped me with my anxiety was more than SFQ alone. I used many different approaches at the same time.

For example:

Cardio Exercises
Weight training
Hatha Yoga
and SFQ

all of these I do regularly still.

I was prescribed medicine from my doctor but it made me feel sick. So I stopped and was determined to find a natural method or methods.

I feel free from anxiety 90% of the time. I'm still working on it. I occasionally have issues but hey, I'm not Buddha here!

I would suggest doing different approaches and not just one thing.


Without desire there is tranquility. And in this way all things would be at peace. -Lao Tzu
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I recently started taking schizandra in liquid form for anxiety. It has helped me considerably.

I believe a combination of methods of different types is probably most likely to succeed. I regularly use the Paraliminals.

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