In some ways they are very similar and different in others. I found Abundance for Life very profound in many ways. LS basically used the teachings of four different teachers to create a system of breaking trances. At least three of those teachers show up in other programs, including Happy for No Reason and Effortless Success.

I think that Effortless Success is more down-to-earth. Watching threads here, many people get stuck on the "feeling exercise" in AFL. ES also seems to have an easier to follow path. Both are excellent. I found tremendous breakthroughs in AFL, especially in the the Gold Edition interview information. On the other hand, I didn't find myself working on specific issues with as much regularity as I do in ES. I think Paul may have found some simpler information by working with Jack Canfield.

Oddly enough, in an interview Paul talks about people having breakthroughs in Photo Reading, which is probably due to the mind state one has to obtain in reaching the reading state. I guess any opportunity to get in touch with your inner guidance, or at least to put aside your own monkey chatter for a while, will bring profound results. However, ES deals with some day-to-day issues that can be frustrating for most people.