Uniquesol has a point.

You'd expect these gurus to live what they sell, er, did I say sell? I meant 'preach', of course. I'm sure money has nothing to do with it.

Alex, yes, marriage does involve two people, but surely someone who is as tuned in as Jack Cranfield "Shining Star Of 'The Secret'", would have attracted the perfect life companion. Or am I missing something?

I am puzzled by Wayne Dyer in a similar respect, who lives on Maui, while his wife lives somewhere else. Oh, and the fact that he talks so much about being close to source, yet has had surgery in recent years instead of being able to heal himself from his source.


On a different note, I did start reading a book called 'Harmonic Wealth' by a James Arthur Ray yesterday, who has a slightly different take on all this LOA stuff, and explains that you have to work on 5 'pillars' of your life to keep it truly afloat.