We expect a lot of things by our ideals and we live a life where our ideals aren't true either. Like people growing apart. The stress we often experience is because reality and our expectations of what things like marriage should be don't match.

Everyone I've read about in regard to the Law or Attraction went through a period where it didn't work for them. They all teach how they found what was missing in their life.

If Jack was born a master of the Law of Attraction then it becomes something unattainable to the rest of us. However he had relationships that didn't work in the past and now has everything the he wants. That makes it attainable to everyone else. Since he wasn't born a success in all areas of his life he had to start working at it and found how it works for him.

As for people growing apart, it's going to happen. Success means different things to everyone. So they may divorce for practical reasons. That doesn't mean the love has ended. In the fairy tales they lived happily ever after in reality people are largely reactionary. They react to things like having children, Global financial problems and the like.

In the movies there is an oft played theme where someone, who has difficulty dealing with the situation runs away screaming right into the hands of what they fear while others tried to hold them back and deal with the problem at the same time in a more calm and resourceful way than one of the ones they want to protect. People do that in marriage too.

We look at the movie and say it's just a story. Jacks path to success included divorce. That might not be my ideal but as Byron Katie might say... Who's business are you in? Success means something different to everyone. I know that right now Jack has the life he chooses, the relationship he wants to be in and that's his success.

The Effortless Success course teaches you how to have your success and live your life, your business.
