Originally Posted By: Inchiki Gaijin
Uniquesol has a point.

I am puzzled by Wayne Dyer in a similar respect, who lives on Maui, while his wife lives somewhere else. Oh, and the fact that he talks so much about being close to source, yet has had surgery in recent years instead of being able to heal himself from his source.

And the Buddha supposedly died from a severe stomach ailment; Jesus is said to have been captured and crucified, despite having access to many powers; and on and on.

They--and we--are not robots. We're all humans. Some more insightful than others, but all perfectly capable of failure, pain, illness, and the other humanly foibles.

On the flip side, we're all equally capable of learning, even from the stumbles. There's the key: why remain in the dark, if you can learn how to switch on the overhead light?

(And just for the record, ever stop to think that maybe Dyer's wife has good reasons for living elsewhere that have nothing to do with Dyer's relationship skills? It happens. Maybe you should look into it, if it bothers you so much.)