Oh Lordy! If I started on about what bothers me about Wayne Dyer, I'd be here all day!

Aw, go on then, I can spare a little time for a dig or two...

It's a shame really, because I've gained so much from his earlier teachings, and 'The Power Of Intention' was my favourite book at one time. Since then, for me at any rate, he has just become repetitive and contradictory. And this was the person who possesed the genius to conceive a book title like 'Your Erroneous Zones' and offer a strategy for dealing with arguments that left my ex-girlfriend dead in her tracks when a row stared brewing. Pure genius! If you ask me nicely, I'll tell you what it is. \:\)

I think the crowning moment, though, has to be his declaration in 'Inspiration' that he is an incarnation of St Frank of Assisi. I mean, come on!!! He might be, for all I know - and it's difficult to prove either way, but what bothers me is the fact that he feels the need to tell everyone. That is pure ego at work, something that he is telling us all to work on losing.

Then there are his 'facts' that are laughably inaccurate. He says that the sound 'a' exists in virtually all the names for 'God'. Nonsense! In Russian it's 'Bog', in Czech 'Buh', in French 'Dieu', in Spanish 'Dios'...and it only sounds like 'Gaaaaad' in US English! When I say it, it is a definite 'o' sound. He likes to get his audiences to say 'I' and then point to themselves, proving that 'I' is in the heart, not in the head, when everyone points to their chests. I'd like to see him do it in Japan, where everyone points to his nose! I think they do in China too - quite a significant slice of the world's population, n'est-ce pas? Poor research.

I could go on...

But I won't. Let's talk about something positive instead.

'The Effortless Success course teaches you how to have your success and live your life, your business.'

Which is why I'm ordering it! I might have been premature in my judgements, even if I don't like the way it's marketed. On the strength of the quality of everything else I have ordered from LSC, I doubt that you'd risk turning out a course that wasn't up to scratch. The new Paraliminals are very nice - I love the music on them too. So, I'll give it a go!

Actually, I've just had an idea for a new one:

'This is Paul Scheele from Learning Strategies Corporation in Minneapolis and you're listening to the 'Delusions Of Grandeur' Paraliminal with Wayne Dyer' (Cue paraliminal jingle)

OK, I know, slap on wrist for being cynical.

Alex, OK, I take your point about Jack. He'd had his share of problems, learned how to deal with them and is now passing on some, or all, of that knowledge. That's why I'm willing to give to give it a go.