LOL. There was an in-joke when I was training to be a teacher that took that one step further: 'He, who can, does; he who can't teaches and he, who can't teach, teaches teachers.'

Yes, they should demonstrate what they teach, especially things that are between them, and their 'source'. To be fair, though, I suppose using relationships as an attack-point is a bit unfair, because as Alex said, a relationship does depend on two people, and if you can't really have any control over what your partner wants. Health is something else, though. I expect them all to be radiating perfect health, after all the stuff they spout. Another point - Wayne Dyer's guru, Ram Dass, is very ill, and shouldn't bem if he's so enlightened. Oh yes, and Dyer actually had the cheek to ask his readers to contribute money to build Dass a home in Maui - er, only the most expensive of the already expensive Hawaiian islands. Pity he gave all his stuff away, or he'd have been able to do it himself.

But then again, did he give it all away? It was you who said he just put it in trust with someone for a year, wasn't it? That's very naughty, because in his lecture program called 'Being In Balance' (the worst I've heard him do yet), he talks about letting go of all this material stuff, and lets out a long sigh that sounds SO false, you just know he didn't want to! He's just doing it because he feels he has to to look spiritual. But it just doesn't come across.

Elsewhere, in 'Inspiration' he talks about his beloved writing desk in, didn't you let go of all your material ties when you got rid of your house? Oops! And do you really need a sea-view villa with a swimming pool?

I have just started using Holosync again, after a 9 year-absence. I kind of lost my way with all this self-help stuff, but now I'm back. I felt the value in it immediatley, and I've wondered why I ever stopped. Just think, in a month or two, I'll be all fluffy and warm, and wishing everyone inner peace and happiness...

...or not, as the case may be. While I like all this New Age stuff, I do have my feet planted firmly on the ground, and my 'billshutometer' is on a sensitive setting.

I do agree that we shoudl give products a try, most certainly. But once money is involved, and peopel can see there's a market for it, you're going to get a lot of trash coming in with the real stuff. Dare I say Joe Vitale? I want to know more about this Hypnopongo stuff or whatever it's called, but whenever I Google it, Joe Soprano keeps coming up, and I don't trust him.

On a final note, I wouldn't mind a few wives either, just so long as I don't have to marry any of them!