Hi Shalom,
Thank you so much for the inspirational - original - quote re success by IBM's Watson. I am going to print it out and hang it up in the classroom for my students to read (I teach English in a French high-school).
Too many of us are so afraid of failure and perceive it as something bad. In my life a failure has often clarified a lot for me. If Canfield has two failed marraiges, then he is a shining example to go on and keep trying until you get it right. We aren't born as relationship experts, and neither, probably was he.
You know what I say to Canfield's marraige(s)? It's none of our damn business. He isn't selling courses for perfect marriages, or perfect anything. It is human to err and he embodies human weakness as well as strength.
Here's to great marriages and having the courage to recognise when it isn't working for us.
Enjoy all your Success,
French Claire